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[Treasure Hunting] New THunter on Siege


Stratics Veteran
Hi all,

I've played on free OU shards for a while (after a pause of 10 years :)) and decided to try our official UO shards and Siege Perilous specifically. I always adored t-hunting in UO and plan to create a tHunter on Siege as well. Although atm I'm at Europe (cause my account is a new one) I've already started preparations for my future ultimate build. But unfortunately for me I've come up with 2 builds and not certain what to choose from. So I would love to ask for your help in assisting me with all the advice and support not only on builds but on starting gear as well. Please consider this account is totally new and I don't have any money to buy soulstones yet (btw what is the price for those on Siege?)
EDIT: Updated both skills to 702 total skill caps.

First build is thunter-bard:
Lockpicking - 100
Cartography - 100
Musicianship - 100
Peacemaking - 100
Provocation - 100
Magery - 110
Meditation - 110

Now, major questions to this build are should I switch provo for discord and rely heavily on EVs? Another issue is - without mining I will be doing a huge job to search for those chests, so maybe I should get meditation lower to get at least 46 mining (51 with gloves) and mine from 2 tiles away?

What skills should I raise to 120 real skill when I get the scrolls?

Dunno anything about the gear but I won't be able to buy some high end gear cause of no cash in hands, so I would really appreciate if you can advice on some basic gear

What skill should I get when I grab a soul stone and make lock/cartography into one slot?

The second build I'm considering is Thunter mystic mage:
Lockpicking - 100
Cartography - 100
Magery - 120
Mysticism - 120
Focus - 100
Spell weaving - 80
Meditation - 100.

When I get my hands on the scrolls I will definitely increase Mysticism to 120 and Focus to 120. At that time I plan to soul stone spell weaving and get 84 in Meditation. When I get more SS I will also try to make lock/cartography into one slot and get either both spell weaving+meditation or meditation+Eval Intel for some pvp action.

Dunno anything about the gear but I won't be able to buy some high end gear cause of no cash in hands, so I would really appreciate if you can advice on some basic gear.

Thank you very much in advance for all your help and advice.

Kind regards,

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Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Supporter
Unless Siege is different the 720 skill cap has been opened up to accouts of any age

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I do pretty well on Europa with a mystic mage, my Siege treasure hunter is more of a jack of all trades and can't do above level 5s.

The main difference on Siege is you can't spring the traps with telekinesis. In theory you should have 'remove trap' but in practice what most Siege T.Hunters do is make sure they have 70 fire resist on their suit, hp as high as their template allows and take the hit. Purple petals, strength pots, truly rare fish (which last 3 minutes now instead of a few seconds) and balm of strength can also be handy to have. Sacrifice virtue for those islands with no healers if you can.

Europa template is: Mage, Myst, Medi, Focus, Cart, Lockpick, Mining. Only Myst is taken to 120


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would definately plan in 110 magery. Especially on Siege. Aside from telekinesis not working on trapped chests you will also have the problem of recalling not working. You need to use gates instead and with 110 you dont fail on them anymore. Aside from that you can defeat chest spawn up to lvl 5 more or less easy with ernergy vortexes. (And at 110 magery you already have a good chance of casting them.) If you go for the mystic/focus route, I would aim for 110, too. Those scrolls shouldnt be that expensive.
Personally I would aim for 100 mining. I am not shure, how the siege bless does work, but you can bless only 1 item and using that for mining gloves on a t-hunter seems a bit wasted. Thought I have to admit, that i havent really played on Siege. (Just sometimes picking a gift or having a look and little fun.) Last time I was there, Petras shop there had 70 fire resist sets for a good price. If you can get someone add lrc and maybe little mana reg to that, you would be fine. I would try to find cheap items (if there are any) that have fire damage absorb. (Thought dont know, if something like that would help against the fire explosion damage.) maybe add fire fish pies to that, if you can lay your hands on those fishes and find a cook for them.

As for templates: (I like to build those ... :D )

110 mage, med + 100 cartho, lp, mining, detect hidden, remove trap for the pure mage t-hunter.
110 mage, 100 myst, 110 focus, 100 cartho, lp,mining, fishing for the multi-talent *g*
Just remember that the hag quest rewards you with a t-map each time. The multi-talent got fishing, becourse fishing supplies you with tons of lvl 1 t-maps and sometimes with higher ones through fished up mibs. With myst + focus you have enough offensive power to take down sea serpents. (Not to mention, that the horned leather from sea serpents is, what you might need most to replace a maybe lost 70 fire resist suit.)

Additional note: Without med, I would aim for a studded armour suit on siege. One of those would give you 15 lmc to start with as a free bonus.
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Stratics Veteran
Thanks a lot for great replies.
kongomongo This is very interesting, thank you! Can anybody please confirm that even new accounts have 720 skill cap?
Silverbird Thanks for the tips, I will make fishing later on and store it on a soulstone if I get a free SS for that. But on Siege fishing does not yield you any Tmaps and a chance to find MIB is a lot lower. I'm not that sure about getting 100 in mining so I was wondering if 46+gloves is enough? (Btw are those gloves expensive?)
Petra Fyde - Thank you.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks a lot for great replies.
kongomongo This is very interesting, thank you! Can anybody please confirm that even new accounts have 720 skill cap?
yes. http://www.uo.com/article/Publish-82
• 720.0 is now the default total skill cap for all players.
Silverbird But on Siege fishing does not yield you any Tmaps and a chance to find MIB is a lot lower.
not true, my Siege t.hunter fishes too. Maps from sea serps and maps in mibs - also mibs in t.chests. Her actual template, with imbued jewels, siege blessed treatise on alchemy and tome of lost knowledge is: fishing 120, cart 100, magery 65 (111), ninjitsu 55 (81), hiding 100, lockpicking 100 , stealing 100(120), stealth 80(106).


Stratics Veteran
yes. http://www.uo.com/article/Publish-82
Thank you for the confirmation!
Thank you for the confirmation!

not true, my Siege t.hunter fishes too. Maps from sea serps and maps in mibs - also mibs in t.chests. Her actual template, with imbued jewels, siege blessed treatise on alchemy and tome of lost knowledge is: fishing 120, cart 100, magery 65 (111), ninjitsu 55 (81), hiding 100, lockpicking 100 , stealing 100(120), stealth 80(106).
Strange because here it sais the oposite http://www.uoguide.com/Siege_Perilous


Stratics Veteran
Thanks a lot Petra!

But what template to choose? Which one will be better to solo up to 6 lvl tmaps?


Stratics Veteran
I go for the tamer thunter myself.... and with this template you dont have to worry about 110 magery for vortexes because your pet (Greater Dragon) or (Cu Sidhe) does all the tanking for you... 110 taming 110 lore 100 vet 100 magery 100 cartography 100 lockpicking 100 mining or you can get away with 51 mining for a 2 tile radius and you can up your taming and or vet to 120 and magery to 110 if you like or add the extra points into med and you will be able to solo all Tmaps... maybe a little help with level 7 maps but they are very rare to get... on Corgul the Soulbinder.. this is a very late post but i just came across the thread.. hope it helps :=)