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[Discussion] New stratics selling system to replace trade forums - feedback


Stratics Veteran
Since i know many on the rares forum never go to traders hall, id like you all to check out the new changes coming to stratics and provide any thoughts / feedback on the system if you have any.

It is stickied at the top of Traders hall, i have also provided a direct link.

I made a post. But honestly...I am not excited about this at all. Maybe I should be more open minded to change, but I really enjoy the current set up. Are there that many of you that don't like the current setup?

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you Smoot for bringing this to the community's attention.

This was my response:

If you are adamant about adding this feature... please allow it to be "optional" and not mandatory. Please place AND enforce a few basic rules such as limited the amount of single item posts and bumping on the existing system.

As a previous staff member (for many years and before the new ownership)... this system is coming across not as an asset or an improvement, but as a way to manage the simple issues without the need of significant moderation. We didn't have any issues with post bumping, people spamming the forums with buying/selling posts because we had a few basic rules and we reinforced them. Successful forums require hands-on moderation and not putting them on "auto-pilot". As appealing as it would be for the community to police itself, it is simply not going to happen.

If you are insistent on implementing this new system as a replacement, you'd be better off explaining that you don't have the volunteers to manage the existing system in a way that is beneficial and fair to the community as a whole. Allow the community to have a honest reason as to why this system is being proposed so that members of this community have an opportunity to find an alternate solution to a system that appears to be a way to sweep the real issue under the rug.

Also, as a past member who donated to the running of Stratics when it was owned by Taylor... I personally have zero desire to donate when we have had repetitive instances of new "additions" without feedback to see if it even supports our community. This classified system might be great, but instead of actually discussing it before implementing with the community we have once again been "informed" with the sort of "deal with it" attitude.

Ron, I don't know who has your ear.. but their ability at public relations, especially in regards to this community, blows goats.

Listen to the complaints and needs of your community.
Bring those complaints to the community on the forums and allow discussion and brainstorming of solutions/concerns.
Do not make major changes to the forums without your community's needs or input.
Changes made... even those AGAINST what the majority wants... will be met with less hostility if the community feels you genuinely listened to them.


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I'm gonna chime in here just a touch.

With trade going on the forums we've consistently seen several types of complaints. Usually it's people "bumping" posts too often or the Mixed content you often get when people are posting large numbers of items, "That belongs in Rares Trade/Non-Rares". You guys don't get to see these post reports, but what does it mean when the same complaint or issue pops up over and over? Usually it means there is something that needs improved.

With the later common complaint, it's often because the Trade Boards aren't really categorized well, and to break things down further we'd have to look at either adding a ton of Sub-Forums to act as Categories or a Lot of Pre-fixes. For example, how many basic categories of Rares are there? Sever Birth, Unique Items, Global Event Arc items, EM Event Items. Some of these like the EM Event Items can be broken down further between the Vending Machine Drops and the Limited Count drops. Non-Rares? You have resources, crafted items, decorations people selling houses, pets etc.

Sure you can search for a specific item you are looking for or randomly browse the posts, but how many are going to be active threads, or closed. Was there not a buyer and the seller got rid of it in game?

The idea behind this Classifieds System is to allow someone to create a sell offer, stick it in a category, and then just wait for the most part. The listing gets 7 days then has to be renewed, active and closed sells are separated and can't be bumped back to the first page by someone asking a question, and there is no need for the seller to bump the listing at all since it's clearly marked if it's active or not.

For buyers if they know they are looking for a specific type of item, be it Jewelry, they can go and with one click see only active listing for jewelry for sale. The same would hold true for Armor, Weapons, Resources, Pets, Houses, various categories of rares as well.

When it came down to it, the other option which was to tighten up and rules and create more categories through forums and pre-fixes would have ended up not solving the more common issues we have reported, and only increase the amount of oversight required of the Trade Boards, and of course quite possibly resulted more punishments being handed out to the community for breeching the tightened rules the Classifieds system will make unnecessary.


Stratics Veteran
So the simple fix here is to have both. I don't imagine anyone is going to be upset if the forums stay the way they are and we also have this new addon to sell items on.

I would imagine there are more issues in the trade forum rather than the rares forum..but most of those complaints probably come from people that use the boards very little. Just a guess.....but Im willing to bet on it. Adding a few subcategory forums seems like a very simple thing to do to combat this as well...while I don't think it is necessary I do think that you could have Event Items / Rares and fix that in this forum all together....once again I dont think its needed. The other trade forum could possibly require a lot more categories depending on how far you want to go...but simply having Houses For Sale / Weapons,Armor,Jewles for Sale / Everything Else could make that forum a lot more manageable.

Are people leaving the community? Is there less activity because of these complaints? Are these people complaining regularly...or did they get pissed off once and want to pancake? Is stratics going under? I think the answer to all of those is no. And if that is the case then a drastic change just doesn't make sense.

Hell I could be 100% wrong...I haven't been here long. But my impression has been that things run great here. When we get pissed at each other over here and are throwing stones over pictures being jacked...a moderator comes in and wipes it all clean and slaps our hand. Other than that....respect for one another usually handles all the petty BS. Like I keep saying...I just don't see where something is broken and needs fixing. But if were gunna implement change...lets have both or at the minimum do it gradually. Otherwise I fear The answer to some of those questions I asked will absolutely be a resounding yes.