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New Secret Pet Discovered: Battle Llama


Stratics Veteran
Hello everyone!

It has long been rumored that a secret tamable pet existed in the game that had yet to be discovered. There have been various hints dropped throughout various quests and lore objects in the game. Most of them leading to more enigmatic texts, puzzles, and riddles.

After over a year of work following the clues and deciphering the riddles, I have finally discovered this secret tamable pet and am happy to share the information with you all!

Behold, the Battle Llama:

This is a Shadow Dancer Black (1109) Hued Llama, that is mountable!

Not only that, but it can have Dragon Barding applied to it, which gives the rider a damage reduction! (The first known pet besides the Swamp Dragon to allow this).

The pet starts at 1 slot and is trainable to 5 slots. It will have a similar intensity as a Lesser Hiryu.

It is fully magical capable, and comes with Innate Healing only, making it a ridable blank slate pet.

Full lore details are available in the Besitary here: Battle Llama

I am working on putting together a full guide on how to acquire this pet, it is truly time consuming and extremely difficult. Stay tuned!


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Queen Llama is from our shard. HELL YES I want this pet!

Shiranui Renn

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Uh oh I would love to see such a beauty as pet.
It doesn't have to be a pet for actual battle, just make it an option for the ugly swamp dragon.