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New Powerful Dragons, Elfs and Humans



How about they make these new Powerful Dragons (or any new powerful creature for that matter) Human only?

You have the Cu that is Elf Only, The Ki-Rin that is Male only, the Unicorn that is Female only, well where is the Human only creature to balance out the Cu?


They would have to make shoes or earrings (which is my choice) that make it so you can own one as an Elf.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In the case of the Cu Sidhe, only an elf can tame one but human tamers can own and command them once tamed. For a human to mount a Cu Sidhe the human character requires the pads of the Cu Sidhe. As the new buffed dragon is not mountable no new item would be required for full use of the dragon by an elf if the dragon were made human tamable only.



In the case of the Cu Sidhe, only an elf can tame one but human tamers can own and command them once tamed. For a human to mount a Cu Sidhe the human character requires the pads of the Cu Sidhe. As the new buffed dragon is not mountable no new item would be required for full use of the dragon by an elf if the dragon were made human tamable only.

[/ QUOTE ]

Exactly, this would even it up as I (and a few others) refuse to go green and become a ghey elf.

imported_Lord GOD(GOD)

I agree human only 4tw, while their at it maybe they could make reptalons more on par with cu's.


the problem I find with this is that elves are naturally inclined to be tamers from lore, humans aren't really...I'd much rather see stuff like the stitcher's mittens and crap like that be given a fair shake for humans, so I can use all of the good items elves can that I can't as human. as for the skin color, you can be a flesh-toned elf, without much difference except for head armor graphics (in 2d). my main complaint is the lack of facial hair ;D