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New plant system :(


Calla Lily

I've decided I don't like the way the new plants and the new craftables are affecting gardeners and crafters. They're forcing us to depend on warriors to get the parts for us to do our jobs. I'm completely out of new seeds, except the cocoa seeds, of course. Nobody has seeds for sale anymore, and of course the new plants don't give seeds. Most warriors aren't collecting them when they loot the corpses, so they aren't bringing them back from the field.

I'm not much of a fighter. I prefer crafting and gardening and cooking. But now, to keep my New Plant vendor stocked, I'd be forced to go out and hunt just to get the seeds. I'm not very happy about that. I wish they would have let the new plants give seeds. It's just not worth the time investment it would take to keep that vendor stocked, so I guess when my current stock runs out, I'll drop the vendor.

I don't mean to sound whiny, I'm just a little sad about it, that's all.

Rotgut Willy

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I like how the new seeds are acquired.. gives some variety to it. And it promotes exploration (for me, anyway). But I have a couple PvM characters as well.

I collect seeds from ant lions while doing the Naturalist quest. The ant lions only take a moment to kill. And generally, I just collect them as I roam and explore.

Calla Lily

The plants sell for so little these days, it just seems to me that the effort required to obtain each seed isn't worth it, and that's a shame, because I'd love to be able to offer the new plants to my customers on a steady basis, as I do with the old plants. I just can't. Without having seeding plants, we can't grow in bulk.


It's true that Ant Lions are relatively easy to kill if you happen to do Naturalist Quests frequently... but that gives you a chance at about 25% of the possible "New Plants"...

You still have to go out and hunt a bunch of other ones... like now to go collect the Poppies or later for other stuff.

I recognize that Sakkarah's design decision was to intentionally make it harder to keep these plants "available" and to do this through making them not produce seeds... I'll live with that and go find the seeds I need when I need them, but I still don't have find that particuluar design decision to my personal liking. :(

On balance, though, Sakkarah has done far more good for Gardeners in the last three months than we have seen in the last 5 years... so I'll take the good with the bad and bow :bowdown: at the alter of Sakkarah and enjoy the additions she's offered to gardeners. :)

Flora Green

I also dislike the system. There's no logic to it, but Sakkarah has said it could change later on. For now she was working within time constraints. I agree with DH that she has done SO much for gardening it's hard to complain. (I will, but not in a disrespectful manner.) My number one issue is storage. I think it's absolutely ridiculous that in all these years not one single dev has bothered to give us storage or stacking ability. With the new system it's nearly impossible to have a stock on hand to grow because of all the lockdowns the seeds or excess grown plants take up.

Sakkarah has addressed this and stated we won't see a solution anytime soon (and I appreciate her being upfront), but it doesn't excuse it being overlooked for so long and no I'm not singling her out, she didn't create gardening. My house is bursting at the seams. I should have more than enough space in an 18x18 for storing gardening related items, a few decorative things I change out for the seasons/holidays and decorate my shop. I'm NOT a packrat.


Do you have hunting friends who will collect the seeds for you? Often I will find a bag at the shop that is a donation. Some drop seeds off who just want a particular plant of of the bunch and they don't care if I keep the others and sell them. Maybe if you put a message on your shard board people will respond.

Rotgut Willy

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Calla, what shard are you on? I collect more than just the ant lion seeds and can spare some if you're on Napa.


Queen of The Outlaws
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I have no trouble with finding someone who will hunt the seed for me and had got several for free too.


calla, if you are on lake superior i can get you all the seeds ya want just let me know :)


Calla if your on Atl I can help out too. I run a Garden Mall and I am always getting seeds. more then I can grow. Let me know if you need some.

Calla Lily

Thanks everybody :) I'm on Chessy, and Oni's helped me out with some seeds for now.

Flora Green


Did you used to go by another name there long ago? If you did, I frequented your goods shop many, many times. It was one of my favs. I ask, because one of the pics you put up in the homes forum I have saved on my drive when it was a plant shop.

*sorry for the OT* :)