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New Persistent Quest: Extraordinary Creatures 2/28/11

EM Kaz

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Date and Time:Begins Monday, February 28th 2011
Starting Point: Meer Village, north of Sacrifice shrine in Illshenar
Event Type: Persistent Quest
Contact Character: Tyrus the Zookeeper



I am indebted to many of you for dispatching both Aganon and Xloc the Shadow Orc. Unfortunately, it appears that Aganon was simply brainwashed by Xloc's powerful magic and forced to do his bidding. With that threat eliminated, there are other matters that have come to light.

To be honest, this one is a bit less intimidating. While Virtuebane is a formidible foe, this assignment won't have you dealing with him directly. It goes without saying that Virtuebane's search for the late Queen Dawn's sword have disturbed many areas across Britannia, but more so than I had anticipated. A few of my informants have received information regarding very unique or magical creatures being displaced from their natural habitats. These creatures have been sighted all across Britannia, and it seems fitting that they should be investigated a bit further.

I have already taken the liberty to speak with Tyrus, the Zookeeper residing in the Meer Village north of the Sacrifice moongate in Ilshenar. Obviously, he has taken quite an interest in locating and cataloging these unusual creatures. If you are interested in giving me a hand, I'd head there to obtain more information from him directly.


Alexander Valthos

A gate to the starting point for this quest is next to the EM Event Announcer inside of Luna Bank. Begin the quest by mentioning the phrase "Catalog" to Tyrus the Zookeeper. To proceed through the quest dialog with Tyrus, look for words that are inside of "quotations" as he is speaking. Repeat those quoted words to proceed through the dialog.

I would recommend taking a blank book with you when you start this quest. If you have the Inscription skill you can copy the guidebook that is on the ground next to Tyrus. Additonally, I try to keep extra guidebooks stocked next to Tyrus if you need one. Keep track of the "Catalog numbers" you obtain throughout the quest. Catalog numbers are obtained by simply standing next to the creature and saying its name once you find it. If you can find all ten creatures, e-mail your character name and all ten catalog numbers to EM Kaz at [email protected]. If you can't find them all, that's fine. Just e-mail me the catalog numbers that you located.

This quest is part of a pilot program called "Event Points". Each creature that you locate is worth 1 Event Point, up to a possible 10 Event Points. When you earn enough event points by completing these types of quests, you will be eligible to turn them in for sashes with various types of titles. Keep in mind, the only way you receive credit for your Event Points is by e-mailing me with the catalog numbers you locate and your character's name. This program is only in it's testing phase, so more information regarding which sashes will be available and their point values will be available at later time. *Important* Catalog numbers are changed on a regular basis!