Mr Artifact
I believe we should have Lower Bandage Cost mods on items and jewlery. i enjoy the benefit of haveing a 100 LRC set and i do not want that changed at all but i feel those of us with characters that dont use LRC but use bandages instead to heal themselves and to heal others and also vets that heal there pets are somewhat neglected.[/list] having LBC would be a nice alternative the limit does not have to be 100 LBC. the limit can be anywhere from as low as 50 max LBC to 70 max LBC all the way to 100 max LBC i dont expect 100 LBC if this happens i am just open to it.[/list] now i know bandages are fairly cheap except for the bandages that are enhanced but this would atleast enable those characters of ours that use bandages that hunt to stay in the fight longer without having to go back to there house or to there bank to get more bandages as often.[/list] also with LBC we wont have to carry as many bandages if we dont want to allowing us to carry more loot and gold from what ever we are hunting.[/list] if its anything less then 100 LBC and we have both enhanced bandages and normal bandages in our packs np which ever type of bandage we double click on to use is the one we get the benefit from and possably use up. [/list] if its a 100 LBC set there is one problem that i can see how would this affect the enhanced bandages as to normal bandages? would we have to carry the type of bandage in our pack that we want to use even though we cant use any up with 100 LBC ? , would there be a setting as to what kind of bandage we want to use with 100 LBC? , would there be a lower percentage chance of getting the benefit of a enhanced bandage then geting the benefit of a normal bandage with 100 LBC or would using a 100 LBC set automactically be like using an enhanced bandage everytime we heal ourself ,another player or our pets?[/list] perhaps 100 LBC just wouldnt make sense anything less then 100 LBC can make alot of sense. so what can be done to make sense of that if anything i could use a little help there sorry but thats a tough one for me maybe you can post a solution that makes sense here thanks for reading. [/list] after reading that this is too long i changed this for you to make it easier to read thanks to your feed back i was just very tired when i posted it i should have thought without paragraphs it would be a pain to read sorry live and learn.[/list]