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New Mare


Seasoned Veteran
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After spending a few days trying to get a 2 slot mare in one of the newer hues, I opted to use a totem. And it paid off! I actually tamed 2. The first one I'm guessing will have 125 Stam/Mana/Dex/INT (I'll know for sure after I do some skill work) but what really strikes me is the HP and STR, 305 and 312. The big plus is the color, Void!
I decided to plug the mare into the calc and came up with a bit of an oddity.
This mare has a 103% intensity rating? In way I am curious if this is right.

The other I tamed, I started the skilling process and this mare (a semi-metallic) has 132 stam. Thinking I was seeing this wrong, I sat on her for close to an hour doing nothing (read: "banksitting"), so it is really 132 stam! I don't think I've seen that happen before, I have seen like 126 or 127 mana, but only as a rarity. Again I ask can this be true?
The near 80% intensity isn't bad either, but the STR is on the low side.


Stratics Veteran
After spending a few days trying to get a 2 slot mare in one of the newer hues, I opted to use a totem. And it paid off! I actually tamed 2. The first one I'm guessing will have 125 Stam/Mana/Dex/INT (I'll know for sure after I do some skill work) but what really strikes me is the HP and STR, 305 and 312. The big plus is the color, Void!
I decided to plug the mare into the calc and came up with a bit of an oddity.
View attachment 91478
This mare has a 103% intensity rating? In way I am curious if this is right.

The other I tamed, I started the skilling process and this mare (a semi-metallic) has 132 stam. Thinking I was seeing this wrong, I sat on her for close to an hour doing nothing (read: "banksitting"), so it is really 132 stam! I don't think I've seen that happen before, I have seen like 126 or 127 mana, but only as a rarity. Again I ask can this be true?
View attachment 91479
The near 80% intensity isn't bad either, but the STR is on the low side.
HI Mordha,

So what you are seeing is accurate, you have one of the best 2-slot nightmares you can currently get. The reason this happens on the calculator is because pet control slots are now determined at spawn and will never change (until advanced training). The Dex/Stam/Int/Mana attributes spawned low enough that it was a 2-slot, but once you raise them all to 125 for free it will actually be over-intensity for a 2-slot, but since pets don't jump anymore, it will remain a 2. If you haven't raised it's attributes to 125 yet, you should be able to see this if you enter the <125 spawn stats and uncheck the box, it should rate fairly high but under 100%. If it had spawned with natural 125 attributes, it would have been a 3-slot at spawn.

This is also why it shows the rating for both 2-slot and 3-slot, since the intensity falls within that "crossover" range.

The fact that you found that high of a 2-slot pet in the Void color as well is very nice! Definitely a keeper!


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Thanks Khyro!

That is fantastic news. Looking forward to the mare bonding. Then I’ll build up the skills and get the stats up.
This makes me like I won a lottery! :)


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Figured I'd jump in game and grab a picture.
VNM1 (2).PNG

And when I plugged in the current values for the stats that are less then cap, this is what I came up with. I also unchecked the box as Khyro suggested.

This way it shows 96% intensity. Still very happy with this find! And once I get the stats up to cap, will be a truly remarkable find! I am keeping this one :)

On a fun note, I also found Waldo, woot!


So for the neophyte tamer - not to hi-jack the thread - You can not start training … fight with your fresh tame and its stats will go up naturally?


Stratics Veteran
So for the neophyte tamer - not to hi-jack the thread - You can not start training … fight with your fresh tame and its stats will go up naturally?
Most pets can be trained via fighting to have their skills maxed out at the 125 for free. (on a side note the 125 cap is the same for a player) There are a couple exceptions to this.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
So for the neophyte tamer - not to hi-jack the thread - You can not start training … fight with your fresh tame and its stats will go up naturally?
I could go now and begin the skill training, which in turn will increase the stats that are below 125 (stam/mana/dex/int) to 125, but I will wait for this one to bond. With an unbonded pet (any pet), you run the risk of the pet dying and being permanently gone.
I actually did that with the other mare I listed in the first post, which is how the stam ended up being 132 not the typical 125. I kept a close eye on that mare’s health and it didn’t help that someone, I don’t know who as they were a stealth herder, was actively trying to kill that mare. Now imagine what would have happened if I took the void to the shadow elemental for some skill work......


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
So for the neophyte tamer - not to hi-jack the thread - You can not start training … fight with your fresh tame and its stats will go up naturally?
Also the melee and any magic skills will increase to the caps of that pet at this point. So you can fight things with your un trained pet and have those skills increase. Just to try out your new pet and then compare that to the later trained version.