Lord Gareth
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Thank you to everyone who supported and entered the contest, we had some really great and creative entries. Without further babbling from me here are the winning road entries
Drk. Blue----Tranquility Lane----Ivy
Green----Old Magincia BLVD----Sid Vicious
Lt. Blue---- 'Bane'k Street----Lady Magic
Orange----Scallop Street----Glinda
Pink----Footpath of the Shepard----Victor II
Purple----Penny Lane----Ozog Giantfart
Red----New Fawn Fairway----Nails Warstein
(After the ancient city of Fawn had been destroyed, this road was named for the original inhabitants of Magincia, from Fawn who charted the Island for the City of Vesper as refugees seeking a new home.)
Yellow----Ethereal Lane----Cheever
White----Fountain Blvd----Miss Watson
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