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New Legacy - The End

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
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On the small shard that I play I've seen at least a half dozen players return within the last month. Some of them have brought along new players. So my guess, at this point in time is that we ain't dead yet. :heart:


Crazed Zealot
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I think it would be pretty premature to say this, it’s not even through beta.

The recent weekend is pretty slow but it’s Labor Day and I think the normal play cycle starts in fall and goes through winter.

On an off note, I’m curious to see what the anniversary gifts are this year.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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NL is busy while everyone looks to see what it's all about, but I don't see anyone making it a permanent switch. Something to do as a change of pace, maybe one day a week for those players who are online a lot. Maybe it will appeal to 'casual' gamers who don't feel as invested in what they're doing (some of whom we might hope will become as addicted as the rest of us are and join us on prodo? :D ) I don't see myself investing the same amount of time on it as I do with my home shard, alliance friends and home deco.

Yadd of Legends

Babbling Loonie
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I had just started replaying Might and Magic 6 when New Legacy test started. I did New Legacy for the first couple weeks and found it monotonous with no sense of atmosphere or exploration. I went back to Might and Magic 6. So, no, I don't think New Legacy will replace UO in any sense of the word.


Stratics Veteran
Did New Legacy kill off UO?
Not directly, but I think it will be a significant factor in UO shutting down completely, whenever that occurs. The team putting years of work into an uninspired glorified custom rules shard isn't going to sit well with people in charge when that shard crashes and burns. UO has survived a lot, but the missteps will eventually be too much to overcome.

Sent from my Pixel 8 using Tapatalk


Grand Poobah
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Not directly, but I think it will be a significant factor in UO shutting down completely, whenever that occurs. The team putting years of work ....
Wasted years and I cannot see anything good that will come from NL in the long term.

1. New players? Not many and if they are they certainly wont play in traditional UO .
2. Fragmentation of existing population? Yes. If some of us vets / existing players move to NL the only thing that will do is reduce the population of traditional UO
3. Been there done that? Too many treadmill hand holding RPG games exist already . What was the point?

I would love to have been a fly on the wall during discussions about what benefit NL will bring to the UO franchise as a whole.


Just a theory - if my memory serves me - the staff claimed that New Legacy was the answer to help keep up with modern gaming strategies / frameworks to help onboard new players quick and giving them content to continue playing.

In addition, what I haven’t seen or heard since the early days of the announcement of New Legacy is that the server will run on a “seasons” model - thus at the end of the season the shard is wiped, but you can transfer your character (and particular items?) off New Legacy and on to production. The incentive is that you could easily build a new character on New Legacy and transfer to help populate other shards. If there is also special items that you can only get on that shard and then transferred to your main production shard - it could be reasonable incentive. I mean look at the rare community…people like to collect stuff.

I’m not certain how much content has been developed or not - but my hope is that have some good stuff up their sleeves to incentive the shard.
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I Hate Skilling
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Not directly, but I think it will be a significant factor in UO shutting down completely, whenever that occurs. The team putting years of work into an uninspired glorified custom rules shard isn't going to sit well with people in charge when that shard crashes and burns. UO has survived a lot, but the missteps will eventually be too much to overcome.

Sent from my Pixel 8 using Tapatalk
You actually think someone at EA knows or cares? Try calling customer service and attempt to find a person that knows what UO is.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just a theory - if my memory serves me - the staff claimed that New Legacy was the answer to help keep up with modern gaming strategies / frameworks to help onboard new players quick and giving them content to continue playing.

In addition, what I haven’t seen or heard since the early days of the announcement of New Legacy is that the server will run on a “seasons” model - thus at the end of the season the shard is wiped, but you can transfer your character (and particular items?) off New Legacy and on to production. The incentive is that you could easily build a new character on New Legacy and transfer to help populate other shards. If there is also special items that you can only get on that shard and then transferred to your main production shard - it could be reasonable incentive. I mean look at the rare community…people like to collect stuff.

I’m not certain how much content has been developed or not - but my hope is that have some good stuff up their sleeves to incentive the shard.
They continue to be extremely cagey about NL's business plan and roadmap. The only thing they're communicating is immediate patch notes. This close to launch and after six years, I'd expect more hype and information out there. That being said, bad producers are going to bad produce—thinking Bonnie will suddenly do the bare minimum of what is expected of someone in her role is like wishing to win the lottery. Sure, it's fun to think about, but it's not going to happen.


Lore Master
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to be fair.... Elder Scrolls 6 has been in development now well over a decade. Think i will be in the nursing home by the time it gets finished ....

Izzy MBC

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to be fair.... Elder Scrolls 6 has been in development now well over a decade. Think i will be in the nursing home by the time it gets finished ....
If we're fortunate Star Citizen will enter and exit Beta in our lifetimes too.