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new house



just got moved into my new house. screenies to follow. this is a big step towards me possibly coming back to uo this winter.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
just got moved into my new house. screenies to follow. this is a big step towards me possibly coming back to uo this winter.
be nice to see u playen your pvp chars, instead of other people.....rolleyes:


Wait, do you still have the pink tractor? If not, I'm playing star craft.


So yeah, all moved in and settled (pretty much). This is a HUGE step for me earning my free-time (gaming-time) back:

Before and afters: (yeah, I know I didn't really clean-up to take these)

Before: (note, the date):

aaaand, after: (note, the date again):

the new tile:

(I also used 24" slabs for the counter-tops)

this is the back-splash between the microwave and stove. (I'm a better builder than a photographer):

Here's a close-up of the back-splash tile. I got it for freezle from a friend. Italian blown-glass with gold-leaf import. $100/sq ft!

My wife has the pre-demolition pics on her phone.. I'll upload them later on too. . .


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Love the layout hate the color of the white cabinets, being in custom cabinets for 16 years I know of the major issues that color will pose. about 5-10 years they will need to be replaced.

Balian of Asgard

nice job man, love to look at before and afters!!


you should have seen the cabs before kaleb. They were that 70's 'liquid gold' varnish crap. Took me a week to strip it all off. I just painted them with acrylic latex. I could always change colors I suppose.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You may be ok then, I thought it might be white lacquer, or white conversion varnish, both tend to get a **** yellow hue after they age. :thumbup1:


You may be ok then, I thought it might be white lacquer, or white conversion varnish, both tend to get a **** yellow hue after they age. :thumbup1:
You know, I DID do the cabs at my last house with Lacquer because it was during the winter and I needed something that dries fast, but dude.. I SWORE to myself I'd never do that again. . Aside from my gun being a Husky POS, the fumes, the sticky paint on EVERYTHING on your EYELIDS up your NOSE.. yeah.. **** that couch. NEVER again..

I DID however use enamel for the doors because I wanted something shinier and smoother and more 'scrubable' than latex.

I'm NEVER doing my own cabs again, frankly, its worth paying guys like you the big $ to do it right.


I want my next cabs to be like.. teak wood or something anyways..


Oh, and you know whats worse than either Lacquer or enamel? Shellac..

I swear, the lobbyists for the painter's union went to the Devil himself and said:

'Satan? Can you give us something to make these guys' life even MORE of a living hell than it already is?'

Satan then handed them a can of shellac.