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[Gardening] New gardening stuff brought me back :)


pacific lily

I quit playing almost a year ago for various reasons, none having to do with Gardening. I came back to check out all of the new gardening additions... but I think there must have been quite a few since I quit because I see stuff I don't know anything about and it's not covered in the notes for the expansion. SO, if you don't mind indulging an old woman that's not having much luck searching for these answers...

Can you still get black and white plants from crossbreeding? I read that you can now get them from the 5th solen nest in the Naturalist Quest. Could someone clarify the whole black/white plant thing for me?

When I left, the second set of plants with the fragrant & peculiar seeds had just come out. I saw one on a vendor today that wasn't plain... when I left they were all plain. How do you get colored versions of these plants?

I know what poppie dust does (or at least, I think I do... identifies seeds) but... how do you get it? Is it like a regular plant resource?

Stacking seeds - I was hunting for seeds this morning, and as I collected red, yellow, blue, and plain seeds off of corpses, I had some stack and some not stack. I see that there are bugs or umm... complications with this. In general, if they auto-stack can I assume that all the seeds in that stack are the same?

Thanks in advance for your replies... and to the nice person who made all these cool enhancements to the gardening system, they should give you my monthly fee as a tiny bonus! :)



Black and White plants still come from crossbreeding, and you can still get them on the Solen quest from the 5th nest.

The peculiar ones that are colored came froma bug that they've let us keep. Check some of the threads here "moreover, a plant of a different color grew" has the details. The key is colored cactus seeds, dropped from boglings!

Poppies dust comes from Bright Peculiar Poppy seeds... wisps drop them, for sure. Tehre's some others... the stratics pages are brilliant resources for this.

Stacking seeds only works for like seeds. :) IDing a stack of seeds will ID them all.


To go a little further in explanations...

When you used to do the 5th Solen Hive, you were guaranteed a "Fire" colored seed... of the old (only existing) set... When the new plants were added as rewards for that quest, now you can get a Fire seed of OLD or NEW set or Black or White seed of NEW SET ONLY... the only way to get mutant colors of the original plant set is through cross breeding. (At least this is how it was when I stopped playing... I recently came back but haven't done any solen runs yet)

If you want to learn about the bug that allows SOME of the new set in colors, you can check out threads on "Colored Cacti"... The short version is you go kill boglings until you get at least one "x color cactus seed" in Red, Blue and Yellow.... if it says "Tri-Barrell" it's not what you want... has to just say "Cactus Seed". Grow those out and cross to get the colored "Flowery Cacti", small tree (don't remember the name off hand), and hops leaning each direction.

Poppy dust only comes from the second plant set which has the "spread out" poppies. It looks like colored confetti or something. Each plant grows 8 dust (like all resource plants) and each dust has 8 charges... make sure you don't buy dust from vendors if it says Charges - 0 unless you just want it for deco purposes. Some people have lost money thinking they were getting the resource.

If the seeds auto-stack it's because they are identical. You may or may not know what they will grow into but they are the same. If you ID a stack it takes one charge and you know the whole stack. The bugs with seed stack are mostly (or all?) with older seeds that were collected or removed from plants prior to the last publish... Everything coming off current plants seems to stack correctly but you have to do it manually, it doesn't auto-stack in your main pack for some reason.


To go a little further in explanations...

When you used to do the 5th Solen Hive, you were guaranteed a "Fire" colored seed... of the old (only existing) set... When the new plants were added as rewards for that quest, now you can get a Fire seed of OLD or NEW set or Black or White seed of NEW SET ONLY... the only way to get mutant colors of the original plant set is through cross breeding. (At least this is how it was when I stopped playing... I recently came back but haven't done any solen runs yet)
I got a black water lilly yesterday from it, so that seems to be holding true.

small tree (don't remember the name off hand), and hops leaning each direction.
Spider trees. :)

pacific lily

Thanks very much for your answers!

So then I can conclude that if I go out and hunt, for instance, Kappa... and I end up with 4 little stacks of peculiar seeds... that I have obtained all of the possible seeds that a Kappa offers? They stack automatically like that?



Thanks very much for your answers!

So then I can conclude that if I go out and hunt, for instance, Kappa... and I end up with 4 little stacks of peculiar seeds... that I have obtained all of the possible seeds that a Kappa offers? They stack automatically like that?

Yes and no... Well sort of. :)

You will end up with 5 stacks for sure... and possibly more... but they will stack automatically as long as you put them in a pack, pouch or whatever inside your backpack. You will certainly get the 4 types of PECULUAR seeds and will also get a stack of FRAGRANT which are cocoa seeds. I think the groups may have expanded a little because when I was hunting wisps last night it seemed like I got 6 or 7 different plants instead of just the 5 I was expecting. It's possible I was tired or confused so I'm not sure but there may be more cross-over than I thought there was.

pacific lily

thanks for the info, and for the link kittykat. I happened to get all of my red/blue/yellow starter seeds off boglings & bog things so maybe I will end up with some of those cacti. :)
