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New fisherman


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I used a mythic token to set myself up with some fishing skill to give it a try. Started out at 90 skill and then got myself a boat and off to sea I went.

I've been fishing all over the place and using the crystal ball of knowledge to find optimal spots. I have been sailing to the various fish mongers and collecting all the quests then back out to see to catch the critters!

I have a few questions about my new profession:

1. Can I chuck the plain types of fish? (lobsters and crabs) or are they needed at all?

2. Where do all the MIB's and SOS come from?

3. Is the best way to train (at about 92.9 skill) just from sailing around doing normal fishing etc?

4. What dungeons do people tend to fish in?

Also i'm looking to get a fisherman suit on Atlantic if anyone can help out. Also any other fishermen on Atlantic I could hook up with?


Stratics Veteran
1. Can I chuck the plain types of fish? (lobsters and crabs) or are they needed at all?
The unnamed lobster and crabs can be used for clean up points or donation to the library in the hopes of acquiring the Brittain Ship.

2. Where do all the MIB's and SOS come from?
You get MIBs from Sea Serpents, Deep Sea Serpents & Krakkens or as loot from Treasure Maps.

3. Is the best way to train (at about 92.9 skill) just from sailing around doing normal fishing etc?
If you have Hish Seas, you can also use the lobster traps for skill gains.

4. What dungeons do people tend to fish in?
There are several dungeons you can fish in. If you are only wanting to catch the regular dungeon fish and not the rare ones...or you do not want to have to deal with monster spawn, then you can fish in the mushroom cave in Ilshenar. It is the cave you first enter to go to the Twisted Weild. Please note that skill gains are not available while dungeon fishing...I have NEVER gotten a single .1 gain in ANY dungeon I have fished in, and I have spent many hours dungeon fishing with skill points available.

I do not play on ATL, so can't help you there.

Good Luck to you and Happy Fishing, hope this helps :)