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New fisherman problems

Black Salt

Stratics Veteran
Hi all! My first post here, I am returning to UO after about 14 yeas or so and I have decided to create a new fisherman char. Having a few problems though. It seems that I can only have 21 fish in my back pack at anyone time, is this normal? Problem seems to be only when i'm fishing where the fish drop automatically into my pack. I can pick the fish up off the floor and put them in my pack with no problem at all but when I am fishing there hits a point where it just wont let me fish up anymore fish as "It looks as though you have too many fish in your backpack already".

I have checked that my item allowance has not been reached and also my weight allowance. I don't remember this issue previously. Apologies if this is something new and I just don't know about it.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
fish weigh 10 stone each, so as a new character 21 - ie 210 stone quite likely within 10 stone of your weight limit? Picking them up will let you put them into your pack - to way over your weight limit at which point you can't move.

Black Salt

Stratics Veteran
Ahhh right, I just checked and I think my paperdoll must be bugged, as when I mouse over my pack it states 181/550 stones but when i check my character sheet it states 221/221. It was just the very specific fish message saying "It does not look as if your backppack can hold more fish." that threw me. Thanks for that. Its starnage how some of the fish drop to my feet though when i hit my weight limit but this doesnt seem to continue indefinately, but rather that message then appears. Why would that be?

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think. If it takes you badly over they drop to your feet, but the little buff fish will continue to drop into your bag till you're exactly at weight limit, then you get the message.

Black Salt

Stratics Veteran
That would make sense, thanks. What do you think of my template by the way? Will this be any good for doing MiBs?

Eval Int
Res Spells

How about the new content in High seas? would I be able to manage any of that with this template? or would i get my butt kicked?

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
High Seas is more than just for fishermen. You would be fine doing fishing quests, but for creatures like Corgul, Charybdis or Scalis you need a group. You could fish up Scalis, but as far as I'm aware, no one can solo him :D Pirate quests are mostly for small groups too, though I believe some characters can solo them. I occasionally solo a merchant ship with my bard.
Some people bought High Seas just for the storage boost, with no intention of actually fishing, and some thought it worth the price just to get one of those bigger ships. :D

Black Salt

Stratics Veteran
Hmmmm, fair enough, to be honest with you I just used to love fishing up the treasure chests, so I think I'll be happy just to do that again and take the fisherman quests as a bit of a bonus


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That would make sense, thanks. What do you think of my template by the way? Will this be any good for doing MiBs?

Eval Int
Res Spells

How about the new content in High seas? would I be able to manage any of that with this template? or would i get my butt kicked?

For doing MiB's sure! My fishing skill is on my 2nd crafting char. The only really offensive skill I have is magery! Fishing for MiB's is pretty safe. You might come across the odd sea serpent evey now and again. Just carry a slayer spellbook and they go down in 2 or 3 hits.

As for the high seas bosses no way. As Petra says you will idealy need a group to hunt these beasts. There is also pirate hunting but I've never tried these myself. I just did the fisherman quests to get my skill up then just been doing MiB's.

What shard are you playing on?


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hello there!

My fisherman has archery and chivalry as offensive skills. This, together with a good bow with serpent or ellie slayer on it, can take care of everything you are likely to meet on the seas. Plus, with chivalry you can heal, cure and transport yourself without the need of resources.

About the weight problem: if you don't want the whole fish for doing quests, just cut them up and this will decrease the weight immensely. If you want to keep the fish, throw them into the storage of you ship. If you have a High Seas ship, you can actually use commodity deeds on the stuff in the hold, so have a few of those on you and you can beat all transport problems. Keep the dark green small fish (can't remember what they are called, Truly Rare I think). When you need a boost of strength, eat one of them and your STR increases by 13 for 3 mins. Bigger boost than you can get with magery :)

Hope this helps.