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New Fisher Here


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just got the High Seas Expansion and would like to try some quests. I know that once you start you can't dock your boat until completed so my question is...AT 65 fishing skill, what quest can I safely start that I will be able to complete? It seems like you have to have higher fishing to catch some fish and I don't have any Power Scrolls either. So I don't want to take a quest that I am not capable of doing...Thx


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
At 65 skill I would just work the professional fisherman quests. Remember you can have more than one active at a time. You also can recall into most of the docks to deliver the orders, rather than having to sail into them each time. This saves alot of time in the long run. You just need to cross servers and then you can recall in and it will detect you have finished the quest and give you the reward.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you...all tips and help is greatly appreciated. Fishing has changed SO much over the years!