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[Fishing] New europa fisherman


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi all I have currently started a new character as a fisherman and gone through the process of training up to 75% so I can now deep sea fish I have also trained my magery to 70% (84 with jewellery) and just had a few questions

- this there a place where the fishermen/women hangout?
- can anyone give me any info on the high seas quests?
- any other tips or advice would be greatly appreciated

Also have upgraded my account to high sea and would be great to meet new people in game

Thanks greyrigg!!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi Greyrigg!

I don't think there is a "place" to congregate for fishermen in Europa. There are guilds dedicated to Fishing and THunting in other servers, but we lack that.

For info on the High Seas quests, and anything related to fishing in general, check the stickies in this forum, i found all i needed there.

Good sailing!