Since it is obvious that we can have two toned items, how about adding a special dye combining that allows for Two Tone Dyes.
This would bring Huge Value to the Plant Dyes that are now useless since every color wanted can be produced by Dye Tubs?
Can you imagine Blaze / Dark Purple. or Red / Blue
Of course I would only give a 20% at best chance for a skilled Alchemist & Cook, yes GM in Both, to be able to succeed in making these colors. Failure would result in neutral grey color.
And again I still have my suit on.
This would bring Huge Value to the Plant Dyes that are now useless since every color wanted can be produced by Dye Tubs?
Can you imagine Blaze / Dark Purple. or Red / Blue
Of course I would only give a 20% at best chance for a skilled Alchemist & Cook, yes GM in Both, to be able to succeed in making these colors. Failure would result in neutral grey color.
And again I still have my suit on.