I havent played UO for long now. Infact i dont playe any gane any longer.
But when i saw about the new buffed dragons i have a hard time to not reinstall UO.
So please tell me more about them and i want more about their abiletys close to and fully trained ones.
If folks remember i sugested to let us feed our legacy pets whit PS and by that they also get more folowerslots.
This sounds wery tempting for me and if they befed up pure mages to i would lose my soul again.
So please ceep up the info about them.
Nisse pure mage and runlibrian europa
Oskar tamer mage europa
But when i saw about the new buffed dragons i have a hard time to not reinstall UO.
So please tell me more about them and i want more about their abiletys close to and fully trained ones.
If folks remember i sugested to let us feed our legacy pets whit PS and by that they also get more folowerslots.
This sounds wery tempting for me and if they befed up pure mages to i would lose my soul again.
So please ceep up the info about them.
Nisse pure mage and runlibrian europa
Oskar tamer mage europa