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New dragons



I havent played UO for long now. Infact i dont playe any gane any longer.

But when i saw about the new buffed dragons i have a hard time to not reinstall UO.

So please tell me more about them and i want more about their abiletys close to and fully trained ones.

If folks remember i sugested to let us feed our legacy pets whit PS and by that they also get more folowerslots.

This sounds wery tempting for me and if they befed up pure mages to i would lose my soul again.

So please ceep up the info about them.

Nisse pure mage and runlibrian europa
Oskar tamer mage europa


The new dragons are 5 slot pets that often have 160 bard difficulty, so you have to lead tame them on foot for the most part.

There isn't an upgrade path to turn existing dragons into 5-slot dragons.

If you want to actually see 5-slot dragons, you can make a stealther on TC with animal lore. Stealth around loring dragons till you see one with really high bard difficulty.

The new dragons also have the bleed special attack like cu sidhe have.

The most impressive thing about the new dragons is their resistances. They are very durable.


It seems like they are formidable tanks.

How many skills can you get that is trainebel ower Gm?
I meen will get a dragon who has it,s strength in meele or in magic?

Do the skills past gm works like reptalon skills? i meen if i remember right you lore a rep and after tamed you can retraine up the skill. I dont remember the % you got to count of to se max skill it can be trained to.


There's a couple of questions I have as well if anyone can answer.

Do they need to be subjudicated before taming, and has anyone got a feel for their minimum taming requirement?



No subjugation needed, Wenchie.

With up to 160 barding difficulty, peace taming isn't going to be terribly effective.

Since I have a discord/tamer, I mucked around with discording it before taming. It still bloody hurts.

Often pre-tamed skills including magery are in excess of 130. One of my TC1 Super Drags has 110+ magery. Wrestling has gained past GM, too.

I'm sure he'll correct me if I've misremembered, however, I believe Al Thorin said he tamed one with 110/110 tame/lore as that's the template he runs usually.


Ah, great stuff Nico
Ailsa might have a chance at it then lol.

Be interesting to know the taming requirement, just to see which of my gals could or couldn't have one yet. I'm not sure how best to go about testing that...not safely anyway!
