Mr Artifact
I propose a new costumizeable house option where we can add atleast one special house moongate anywhere we want to inside our houses if we want to. with this house moongate we can gate travel directly from one house moongate to another house moongate so basically we would be able to gate travel directly right inside the designated house if we want to provideing we have access. read below as listed to see how this could work. [/list] <ul> 1. We can start off by marking normal runes while standing directly inside the house moongate doing so will turn normal runes into special house moongate runes. only those characters who have access to both the house and to the house moongate will be able to mark these runes. anyone without access to both the house and to the house moongate would just mark a normal house rune takeing them directly to the house sign when used. [/list] <ul> 2. We can drop a limited amount of removable runes inside this house moongate once dropped inside this house moongate we can gate to these designated house moongates provideing we have access to them. these runes can only be removed and added by those who have access to add or to remove them which would be a seperate security setting so it can have two differnt security settings if need be. one security setting would be to have access to enter this house moongate and to gate travel if we want to and the other security setting would be to turn on and to turn off this house moongate, to mark these runes, and to place and remove these runes to and from the house moongate. [/list] <ul> 3. In order to travel directly from one house moongate to another house moongate requires a few things one is that you both have to have access to each others houses another is that both your house moongates are turned on at the time and that you both have to have access to each others house moongates which also means that each of you is required to have each others house moongate rune inside each others house moongates meaning for me and you to use as an example i have to have your house moongate rune leading to your house moongate inside my house moongate and you have to have my house moongate rune leading to my house moongate inside your house moongate in order to gate travel directly inside each others houses or it wont work it cant just be one and not the other. [/list] <ul> 4. The house moongates can be turned on and turned off and each house moongate should be allowed to have a security setting or two so no unwanted guest come. also with each destination it would be great if we can choose the security setting of each loaction so some loctions can be for the owner only, some locations can be for the owner & co-owner only, some locations can be for friends or higher and some locations can be for anyone to access if we want it that way. [/list] <ul> 5. When a house moongate is ready to be used all we have to do is stand right inside the house moongate and it acts very simular to a regular moongate with a menu just like a regular moongate that brings up all the house detinations from the runes that where placed inside the house moongate including the facets also if a rune is to a fel house the house moongate turns red so we are forewarned before decideing to gate travel or not because you never know who else the owner may have gave access to his or her house. [/list] <ul> This would be great for a number of things this would be great for those with multiple accounts and houses, this would be great for those moving from house to house or just moving things from house to house especially in fel and high spawn areas, this would be great for friends and guild mates, and it can also be used in a sense to advertise vendor houses, rune librarys, auction houses and houses for sale when we have these gates at public houses where anyone can access because alot of players are very curious and when they see an open gate they tend to walk in it. i hope you like my idea i think it would be great for us all.