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New Cloaks Question..



I came back to UO recently and haven't been following the current storyline with the Shadowlords and im kinda confused on the new patch. It says the rewards are ToT minors, doom arties, and the new cloaks, but im confused on where and what we kill for these. Also not sure about the cloaks of corruption (wasnt here for that) and what u turn in with those for the new rewards. little help on this? thanks

wee papa smurf

I think they drop off the monsters in the new quest? something to do with the shadowlords or summit :)

Bomb Bloke

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Cloaks of Corruption first came from the Ethereal Shadowlords (an event long since finished).

They will eventually be available by killing Shadowlords again. These are also where you'll be getting all those other artis. This is part of an event that has not yet started.


and these shadowlords will be in Tokuno?

thanks for the responses

Foolio the Bard

and these shadowlords will be in Tokuno?

thanks for the responses
The Manifestations of the Shadowlords will appear in Tokuno, on "halfday" intervals according to the patch notes. They drop Cloaks of Corruption and Tokuno Minors to top attackers.

Later on sometime, the actual Shadowlords are gonna show up somewhere, and they will drop among their things Doom artifacts and super-rare shard gems (only 3 per shard).

*when I say drop, i mean will appear in your pack based on being a top attacker.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What does halfday intervals mean? Every 6 real hours, every 12 real hours? I think UO time is 4x the speed of real time, so that's why I ask 6 hours. Else maybe it's once every half-UO day, which would mean once every 3 hours.

It's on Origin but no one seems to know where they spawn yet.

Foolio the Bard

What does halfday intervals mean? Every 6 real hours, every 12 real hours? I think UO time is 4x the speed of real time, so that's why I ask 6 hours. Else maybe it's once every half-UO day, which would mean once every 3 hours.

It's on Origin but no one seems to know where they spawn yet.
Seems that to me the UO day has been ignored for a long time and that they would mean a real world day, but as how often "halfday" is I do not know except to guess twice a real world day from server up to server down.

And as far as where they are, the test center people found one in The Waste north of Zento.

Eyes of Origin

We found them on Origin pretty quickly today when server came up from the publish. One in the desert outside Makoto, one at the Volcano on Isamu and the last one was placed right in the middle of the Lady in the snow =/
The 3 of us that were there for all 3 of these got the cloaks of corruption and a minor drop as well. Already turned my cloaks in for the new cloaks after hunting up all my threads lol and here I thought Mag would be rid of all the souls *sigh* guess we have to wait a lil longer for that one.

I wish I read this post sooner cause I just posted a thread asking about the halfday intervals. We havent seen any since the publish went live on Origin and that was 9 hours ago. If they spawned again at 6hrs then we missed them. Just wish they would be more clear about when this is suppose to happen.

Anyone know what Ether threads are? or where to get them? I'm assuming they are to get the Cloak of Command, which we already learned you could get by using 5k silver. On the silver menu tho it says 100 ether threads, so we are assuming you could turn in the threads for one of these cloaks as well. If only we knew where the threads came from :(