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New awesome merge server idea

  • Thread starter suprshadow
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UO is really starting to suck if your not on ALT or have a char on every server. It is almost impossible to find a decent fight around Pac and if you do it often falls in the range of.... Gank 5v1 or dont fight. So here is a suggestion which in my mind is perfectly do able.

Take all the west coast servers (do the same for the east coast) and when selecting an area to go to by a gate have an option of Merged Fel (the name can obviously be changed) at the very bottom. This area would consist of all the champ spawns and everything but houses could not be placed in this area. Basically, it would be the T2A of like 5 shards combined..

Thoughts, Ideas, Addons??? anybody hmm

Pink Floyd

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
good idea. just make it a mirror of fel that all west coast shards share or something. put better rewards in maybe?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
UO is really starting to suck if your not on ALT or have a char on every server. It is almost impossible to find a decent fight around Pac and if you do it often falls in the range of.... Gank 5v1 or dont fight. So here is a suggestion which in my mind is perfectly do able.

Take all the west coast servers (do the same for the east coast) and when selecting an area to go to by a gate have an option of Merged Fel (the name can obviously be changed) at the very bottom. This area would consist of all the champ spawns and everything but houses could not be placed in this area. Basically, it would be the T2A of like 5 shards combined..

Thoughts, Ideas, Addons??? anybody hmm
Been thought of and suggested 100x over.


Its not just pvp that is suffering here, some kind of move should be made to consolidate the player base so there is more interaction period.
My vote for Tram and Fel.


Here's an idea. UO make 3 new shards. East, West, and Asain. Then give everyone free xfer token's that will only allow you to xfer to the new shard. Enforce the speed hacking and 3rd party programs here. If any normal shards get under 25% of there now population then close that shard down and force who is ever left to move (by giving them xfer token to anywhere). This will force all the hackers to play on the same servers and the legit players to play on legit server......Only allow current char's to be xfred to new servers within 30 days so people cant script and macro and bring over stuff to the server in excess.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
UO is really starting to suck if your not on ALT or have a char on every server. It is almost impossible to find a decent fight around Pac and if you do it often falls in the range of.... Gank 5v1 or dont fight. So here is a suggestion which in my mind is perfectly do able.

Take all the west coast servers (do the same for the east coast) and when selecting an area to go to by a gate have an option of Merged Fel (the name can obviously be changed) at the very bottom. This area would consist of all the champ spawns and everything but houses could not be placed in this area. Basically, it would be the T2A of like 5 shards combined..

Thoughts, Ideas, Addons??? anybody hmm
Meh, this is not an original idea at all. Though it is a great idea, it needs a bit more technical etching and it would be awesome.


Perhaps rather than "forcing" a shard move, it would be best to entice players to move to a consolidated shard.
Here is a new idea: Land Based Team Pvp Mounts.
The efforts being made to introduce farther exploration of the seas is a good idea, but when is the last time you heard anyone call someone out to fight in the middle of the water for 20 million gold?
In addition it would be pretty obvious that most pvp'rs would fully support No Guard Zones in Yew!
Just a couple of teasers that would be cheese on the mousetrap for a shard change...


Perhaps rather than "forcing" a shard move, it would be best to entice players to move to a consolidated shard.
Here is a new idea: Land Based Team Pvp Mounts.
The efforts being made to introduce farther exploration of the seas is a good idea, but when is the last time you heard anyone call someone out to fight in the middle of the water for 20 million gold?
In addition it would be pretty obvious that most pvp'rs would fully support No Guard Zones in Yew!
Just a couple of teasers that would be cheese on the mousetrap for a shard change...
I don't think any cheese is necessary.. Tell me they are merging the shards, and I am there.. Period.


Oh! I was under the impression that you were not actively playing UO.
Last I remember seeing from one of your posts - you were thinking of coming back...Are you back to playing UO?

Surely many would uproot and move to a new shard. Unlike pvp - other aspects of the game require heavy investment in more than just a suit, a weapon and a bank full of potions and ps's.

Many players have a lot invested in the game and would be less apt to just roll over to the idea of a forced move of shards.
One example would be my Library.

What would you recommend as a solution to concerns revolving around player housing?

I would be interested to hear what other concerns would arise from a (hypothetically speaking) "shard consolidation."


Great points there Ander, I really do like them! There is just one flaw though.

The simple fact that if you read my post you would have seen my proposal was geared towards the means that another "T2A" if you will call it would be created. This "T2A" area would be a pvp based plain which you would enter from a moongate which would place you in the area at a certain location. This area would be a vocal point of all west coast shards. No houses could be placed or anything just straight champ spawns and pvp..


I believe by in doing so, Ultima Online would see a surge of players flocking back knowing that the increased bounty of pvp actionw would cause people to resubscribe like gemma has stated.. The pvp would be non-stop all day i bet with the epic battles of the "olden days". Great shard vs shard rivalaries would occur here because you would be plotted against other shards.. this was obiously an idea that came to my head in 5 minutes.. just would be a great idea to try though

Pink Floyd

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think he's trying to get at the fact that if you don't put something in there for the trammies EA will never go for it.


I think he's trying to get at the fact that if you don't put something in there for the trammies EA will never go for it.
How hard is it to entice a trammie? Answer: not very. Trip out on this coffee idea:
You know all those 'dead' tram dungeons? i.e. despise, deceit, hythloth, and well.. ALL of them? K, make it so that in Shadows new server, ALL of them have SA ingredient drops.. 'nuff said. Done deal. Ask bri how she would feel about that.


First and foremost: I'm not looking for handouts or incentive to move, but rather interested to converse about a common issue we all share.

Secondly, we should keep in mind that everyday UO gets older, more and more MMO's are being produced and released. There is no doubt that an insurgence of players would indeed return to UO should the PVP get a positive makeover.
Perhaps the only long term fix is to consolidate?

This is an interesting thread as it generates good thought and ideas that may eventually lead to a better playing environment for all of us.
I'm certain that I cannot be the only one that patiently awaits a healthier market on which to sell wares, rares and items.

All the ideas are fantastic, however, connecting all of the servers for the purpose of pvp is not going to generate any more traffic in the already dead towns of all UO's shards.

Long term Shadow's idea wouldn't have had any affect on converging anyone except the Pvpr's. I'm simply pointing out that there is more to fixing the problems at hand than providing a new outlet for Pvpr's to gather up and bash skulls for screenie bragging rights.

As for EA "going for the ideas..." it will take covering all of the bases on both facets across several shards with a solid plan, before they are going to implement any action.

In my opinion this isn't about pvp or pvm, reds or blues, this is an issue that hits home for all of us. The playabitlity of UO and its Longevity.
Without more players there is no growth for UO - if any consolidating is to be made: it should be made for everyone on every level - that is the true size and scope of the topic in this thread!

Bottom Line: We will need a lot more than masses of returning pvpr's to increase the playability and longevity of UO.

BTW enjoy the thread Shadow thanks for posting! :thumbup1:


Perhaps rather than "forcing" a shard move, it would be best to entice players to move to a consolidated shard.
Here is a new idea: Land Based Team Pvp Mounts.
The efforts being made to introduce farther exploration of the seas is a good idea, but when is the last time you heard anyone call someone out to fight in the middle of the water for 20 million gold?
In addition it would be pretty obvious that most pvp'rs would fully support No Guard Zones in Yew!
Just a couple of teasers that would be cheese on the mousetrap for a shard change...
There 100% should be no guard zone in Fel. Also if you read my post a little better you would see. Its not forcing everyone to move shards, unless shard population drops by a large percent.