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New 5 control slot Dragons

  • Thread starter imported_dexdash
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


this is more of an idea for everyone i really dont care if you tame your new dragon or wuss out and upgrade.

my idea is why not make every pet able to become a 5 slot pet. just like a player we start out as newbs and move up right? so along the same lines why not have every pet start low and take only 1 pet slot soo they have low skills and ar not over powered. as they gain skills they now take up more control slots. this way we could have out 5 slot rept or even a level 5 mare WEEE.

i know the other argument would be i dont want my X pet to have to many control slots. simple solution put a lock on the skills so you can lock it at a level 1,2,3 etc so you can still have any combination of pet you want. i think this would be a cool way to add another element to tamers and taming.


I guess your not a tamer.

Anyhow, as you move up in pet types, they do take up more slots.

IE: Horse is one slot, a mare is two slots, a Dragon 3 slots, a CU is 4 slots.

Now why the hell would you want a normal horse to take up more control slots then a CU?


i have a tamer. once again you can lock the pets where you want them. wouldnt a 5 slot mare be nice ? or rep? besides who would expect to get ganked by a 5 control slot chicken?


I will give you that a 5 slot dragon would be nice.
But then if it is a 5 slotter it better damn well be able to rez me and clean up the map solo.

But then again, I for one think that Dragons are to weak in UO. That the current powers that be think dragons are a joke, and instead show like to dogs and lizards.

I think dragon slaying should take more then 10 people to kill a dragon.
And for tamming one, lets just say that true dragons are untamable.