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Need Vent and UO cartographer help plz anyone


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
:bored:so once again some old story VENT and CARTOGRAPHER my bane i love to use you but hate what you do to me

ok so cartagrapher wont load the dam maps again.

i believe i right click the uo icon on my desk top go to properties and copy whats in the target area except for the UOexe".
then paste this in cartographer under the EC section... ?? what am i doing wrong it wont load the maps

My latest problem with vent now is that when my cursor is in UO my vent goes dead but when my curso is out of uo the vent works fine its like a layering issue like sigh help help help

any suggestions would be greatly appreciated with either a high five or a hug or a guild invite oh wait that last one is to ez ... :blushing:;):danceb::thumbsup::next::dunce::p


i'm assuming you are on windows vista or windows 7, run ventrilo as admin, should fix that problem,

i'm not great with cartographer, but most likely you need up update your map files, or you have "use enhanced client" and "use EC maps" checked at the same time