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Need Some Price Checks Fresh Off An Idoc (Pics Included)


Broli of CKS


Codex Arcanum (Notes Different font in book name)



Guild Stone Deed to MaH


Ghost Ship Anchor

Gold Cut Leather

Gold Mark Scrolls

A Deed for A Vendor Named Harriet

Of Exceptional (Notes: It's 100% fire, but "Of Exceptional" Pre-AOS tag; No "War Hammer" Written on it. 20% Damage Inc & 20 Hit Harm.)
I guess it was an old quest item that got changed? I am probably wrong.

Any & All Price Checks are welcomed. Thanks

PS: If you are interested in buying anything; I am on the Chesapeake shard =)


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm pretty sure the and "Codex Arcanum" and "Codex" are just regular books with HTML tricks. I think it's even still possible to do it, so I don't think they're worth anything.

Bloodspawn is probably worth 3 - 5 million. Nice!

Deed to a Guildstone is probably worth 2 million or so, but really depends on the buyer and how much they like the guild name.

The fur is probably worth around 300k.

I'm not sure about the Ghost Ship Anchor. I think maybe around 12 million, but the prices seem to fluctuate a lot and I don't know what the current rate is.

The 2 Cut Leather isn't worth much at all because people made a lot of it when it was possible. Maybe 5k?

The gold Mark scrolls are worth about 30k each.

I'd say the named vendor deed is worth about 2 million. It's especially nice because it doesn't have the "90 stones" tag that most do.

The "Of Exceptional Quality" hammer is probably worth about 100k. Some people value them quite a bit lower (like 25k) but I've sold some in the past for 300k or so, although I can't sell them for that much anymore. But I think 100k is probably a good current estimate.

All of these estimates are based on Great Lakes prices, and I'm no real authority. But it's a starting point, at least.


The ghost shop anchor in that color is worth about 12m as was posted above, various colors go for more or less based on the rarity of their spawn rate...the greyish white color is the least rare of the bunch, but still 12m is pretty sweet for a free item.

As far as the html books go, I dont think you can make them anymore so they should be worth at least several mil maybe more depending on the buyer. Some people really like those items, and will pay 10-20m depending on what it is.

By the way if the books are what I believe them to be, when you open them its a discourse on how to create different text graphics in game. Don't experiement with them though b/c many of the key stroke combinations have been changed to other functions.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The "of exceptional quality" as a name is a post-AoS tag.


Well I don't know about pricing on most of that stuff, but figured this might be of help. On sunday 10/23/07 I watched a ghost anchor sell on pacific for 64.5mil at our long time auction house over here. I'm sure that is the high end for them, but I guess it just all depends on what someone is willing to pay.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

The ghost shop anchor in that color is worth about 12m as was posted above, various colors go for more or less based on the rarity of their spawn rate...the greyish white color is the least rare of the bunch, but still 12m is pretty sweet for a free item.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ghost ship anchors only come in that luna white colour... at least the last 4 or 5 I fished up did

Price ranges between 10 and 20, depending on shard and availability.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Please don't post the names of illegal programs..

Also.. my UOA looks similar when I'm on a character with no regs. The other one is very different and has pictures instead of abbreviations.

Besides, shouldn't you all be hitting the notify mod button if you think something is amiss, instead of announcing it in a thread?


Is that ghost ship anchor the one the leviathin has a chance to drop?...Or is that something else?

Broli of CKS


Please don't post the names of illegal programs..

Also.. my UOA looks similar when I'm on a character with no regs. The other one is very different and has pictures instead of abbreviations.

Besides, shouldn't you all be hitting the notify mod button if you think something is amiss, instead of announcing it in a thread?

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks Ryna =) At least someone understands what UOA looks like &amp; that I am legit.


The books are worthless and can still be made:

Like someone said- Anchor is 10-20
Fur- 200-500k
Vendor Deed- 1-2m (They don't sell well)
Bloodspawn- 2-4m
Guildstone- 900-1.5m

^^^^ All Chessy Prices btw


You're half correct, one is not HTML, the 2nd one is though, and those can no longer be created at least not without a potential exploit, either way its not a prevalent item, and to a collector is certainly worth at least a few mil.



You're half correct, one is not HTML, the 2nd one is though, and those can no longer be created at least not without a potential exploit, either way its not a prevalent item, and to a collector is certainly worth at least a few mil.

[/ QUOTE ]

...Ok sorry if my pics are small...

I hope you can see something I made 2 minutes ago. How is it a potential exploit??


I think if you can code HTML into something ingame you can code in links that will pop open a browser window when moused over, which has the potential to be pretty bad.


Well thats something I didnt know, thnx.

But still ^_^ the books are worthless!


HTML coding was supposed to have been turned off years ago, so either something was done accidentally to allow it, or you've found some odd loop hole which allows you to do it, but either way its not supposed to be possible.



HTML coding was supposed to have been turned off years ago, so either something was done accidentally to allow it, or you've found some odd loop hole which allows you to do it, but either way its not supposed to be possible.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually no. HTML Coding was NEVER turned off for BOOKS. For runebooks/Bracelet of bindings...Yes. But Ive been able to do this for years non stop.