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Need some mouse help...


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OK, my secondary machine is a Dell Vostro 1400 laptop, XP SP3, 2 GB memory, Core 2 processor (1.4 or 1.8, forget which).

I mainly use a USB mouse with it, as I HATE touchpads.

In the last couple of weeks, I've ran into a mouse issue.

it seems like most attempts to single-click on items, anywhere (in UO, on facebook, even in My Computer), result in effective double-clicks (about 60-70% of the time).

1. I don't have the single click option turned on in settings (first thing I checked), and if I did, that shouldn't affect things in-game, AFAIK.

2. The mouse appears to work fine on another (desktop) machine, that I let a friend use when I'm on my main desktop.

3. Even if I use the touchpad, the double-clicking for single still seems to occur, if not as often.



Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
OK, my secondary machine is a Dell Vostro 1400 laptop, XP SP3, 2 GB memory, Core 2 processor (1.4 or 1.8, forget which).

I mainly use a USB mouse with it, as I HATE touchpads.

In the last couple of weeks, I've ran into a mouse issue.

it seems like most attempts to single-click on items, anywhere (in UO, on facebook, even in My Computer), result in effective double-clicks (about 60-70% of the time).

1. I don't have the single click option turned on in settings (first thing I checked), and if I did, that shouldn't affect things in-game, AFAIK.

2. The mouse appears to work fine on another (desktop) machine, that I let a friend use when I'm on my main desktop.

3. Even if I use the touchpad, the double-clicking for single still seems to occur, if not as often.

first thing that i think of is a virus, but that's old school remote possibility.
could be the usb port on your machine is acting up(ps2 or usb mouse?)
do you have another mouse you can test it with ?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Could be due to either a faulty mouse button or corrupted drivers.

To isolate, boot up in safe mode and see if the same thing happens. If it works fine in safe mode, uninstall your mouse drivers, reboot and re-install them.

If it still does the same thing, test with a different mouse and see if the same thing happens.