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[Discussion] Need some Infos about a Lava Tile (pic inside)

Luna [MoD]

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After Pausing some Years i dont know all Kind of Items and i saw today a Lavatile that i have never seen before.
I know only the 1 and 2 Blubbing Tiles in red and the White Ones from the Lich Spawn.
From where is this Tile and is it rare or still spawning?




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I don't know where its from. however let me give you a caution... those tiles are currently bugged. If you place one on the ground in classic client, it becomes static and you will not be able to pick it up via any means. Only the enhanced client is able to pick those tiles up. I met with gm rakban yesterday so that he could collect the info needed to enter an official bug report and get these fixed.

As to how rare they are, I've only seen one on Europa and a handful on Catskills, and I've been looking for them for the past 6 months.​


Lore Keeper
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I've been looking for them for the past 6 months.
well if your after some brian there is a set? of white ones for sale on europa right now but it may be missing the vertical tile


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Thanks, but I meant specifically the specific red/orange one Luna pictured above. :)

Though of the white ones, I've 4 of the verticals, and those definitely are the rare piece of that set. :D

Captn Norrington

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Make sure you do NOT drop it anywhere on the floor of any house, I made the mistake of doing that once...once it touches the floor of the house it does not come off, ever. I tried everything, had to call a GM to pull it off the floor, and even he had trouble getting rid of it.


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captain, we found during the Europa fest those problems only exist in the classic client. The enhanced client just treat it like any other item and lets you pick it up.


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all of the caution aside, does anyone know where these came from? They apparently are not part of the spawn for all of the other lava tile types.

Ducan IronWeaver

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I am not sure if it is true or not. But about a year or so ago a guy was on Catskills dropping those tiles all over luna for players to have.
I never saw them before that and asked where they came from. He said that those lava tiles are server up stealables.. He said no stealing skill required they can just be picked up..
He wouldn't give me the location or anything tho...
He did take me to his castle and showed me his stash of them. He had well over 200 of them in chests..

Ducan IronWeaver

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He said the 2 reasons he wouldn't tell me where they spawn. was b/c he thought they were bugged and not supposed tobe stealable.
So he didn't want anyone reporting it if it was a bug..
He thought it was a bug b/c you can only pick them up in Enhanced Client..
And reason 2 the obvious he sold them and used them to deco. so didn't want to have anyone cutting in on his profit.

He was generous with them tho. Dropped like 25 or so around luna for people to take, And he gave me 10 of them for free which was pretty cool..

Luna [MoD]

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Thank you all for the Infos.
I found an older tread here with the same Question (sorry for the double Posting).
In the Old Days i Hunted Serverbirths , Home Return Spawns and more and i hope there is really a spawn with them.
I checked alot of Locations but its not easy to find a single Spot.
It could be that the Tile is creating via Exploit , or it spawns only on one Server , or it decays after Serverup so fast that it is very hard to find.
When i know more i post it here.
