MINES IS BETTER THAN HIS ^ Lol, J'k, but seriously....
Factions would probably be your best bet. Cheaper items with big boosts. Joining factions doesn't really give big cons out there, pretty much 90% pros. the 10% would probably be the stat loss from dying in Felucca from an enemy faction's player.
For your skills, I suggest:
120 Fencing
120 Tactics
120 Anatomy
100 Hiding
90 Healing
90 Ninjitsu
80 Stealth
This is your basic ninja template: As for a ninja, your main form of defense would be Mirror image and DCI (Defense Chance Increase) Do not rely on parry, rely on mirror image because all the attacks geared towards you will direct towards a mirror image of yourself. I suggest a maximum of 70 dci. which can be obtained with jewelry (30 dci), quiver (5 dci), conjurer's (5 dci), fey leggings (20 dci), and either a weapon with 10 dci or the 10 dci talisman.
For hci, i suggest a spirit of the totem for the high strength boost and 15 HCI (Hit chance increase), plus a handy 30 HCI from your jewelry set.
Total, your jewelry set should consist of 30 Hci, 30 Dci, 40 Di, 30 Stealth (or something else, stealth works well at 90 anywho), and 30 ninjitsu.
Your armor set should consist of:
-Spirit of the totem
-Fey Leggings
-Rune beetle carapace (Important: the 3 mr 15 lmc and 10 MI you just can't leave this out)
-Conjurer's Trinket (If you can, or unless you want to run with 10 dci tally. The conjurer's trinket offers 10 hci and 20 di with undead slayer. Always a plus imo)
-Jewelry set (As explained above)
- A ninja weapon (If you chose a conjurer's trinket, consider putting 10 dci on a weapon. *A warfork for a weapon could be a priority for disarming and bleed, or a dismounting weapon such as a lance. Consider integrating a weapon with ninja specials)
-Crimson Cincture
-Cloak of silence (Lucky these came out! PIMP with 10 stealth, just what a ninja needs)
-Quiver of infinity
- Arms, gloves, and gorget should consist of a total of 24 LMC, 6 mr, and MI. The rest can be directed towards resists unless you prefer something different.
Now let's step back and have a look:
The suit will consist of -
55% HCI (With Conjurer's trinket 10+ HCI)
70% DCI
100% DI
39% LMC
34+ MI
9 MR
70+ Skill Bonus
21+ Strength (1+ from conjurer's trinket)
5+ Dex
Drinking and agility and strength pot will max your stats out. Forget the EP, it's useless when you have healing, mirror images, dci, potions, and the famous Wolf form + hide combo at your disposal.
Overall, it looks pretty damn impressive.