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[Discussion] Need Info


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
When SA first came out, when you killed the gargoyals in the abyss/ter mur instead of dropping horns they dropped the word horn instead, was a bug or something. It was fixed quite quickly but not before a fair few of these were looted. Seen loads of them at rares festivals. Only worth a few mil at most i think.

Hope that answers your question :)

And did you take a picture of your screen with a camera instead of screenshotting? :p


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
When SA first came out, when you killed the gargoyals in the abyss/ter mur instead of dropping horns they dropped the word horn instead, was a bug or something. It was fixed quite quickly but not before a fair few of these were looted. Seen loads of them at rares festivals. Only worth a few mil at most i think.

Hope that answers your question :)

And did you take a picture of your screen with a camera instead of screenshotting? :p
Yes ty that does answer my question ..Only fair I answer yours now :p

Nooooooooooo way did I take a picture of my screen with a camera lol ;)
It is that new screenshot program that makes it look like you took it with a camera even includes fingerprints and reflections ..Its pretty cool if you ask me ...

Did you buy that ?