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[Price Check] Need Info on Ring

Demon Wind

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just found a plain ring that is Blessed and is called Lady Jilly. Anyone know anything about this ring ? Where its from and why it exists?


Its probably a old EM wedding ring that where givin when people got married. The value on these usally depends on the name that they have. There are some collectors of these items...i being one of them and i would say for this ring would not be worth a whole lot to me becuase not a really cool name but if someone has a ch with that name the price they will pay co8uld be alot. i would make a guess to the value around 8-15m perhaps. It is a nice old itme. can it be locked down? some of those old rings can not be locked down for display

Demon Wind

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This one can be locked down so I did. I guess i'll keep it since i collect stuff :) thanks for info.