[Im Need: Hokuto,Yamato]
There are 13anniversary my stocks,
that invites the one that it can be delivered first.
Formosa 6
Arirang 6
Oceania 6
Origin 6
Pacific 6
Sonoma 6
LakeAustin 6
Baja 6
NapaVally 6
CatsKills 6
SigePerilous 1
chesapeake 11
Legends 12
Atlantic 11
LakeSuperior 0-(thanks trade Lord-Kristy)
GreatLakes 6
---other stock---
Formosa (LastYear longbox-normalcolor ) 3
Arirang(`08neon-box :color-No.12) 1
ICQ- 381526480(Riker@HKT)
There are 13anniversary my stocks,
that invites the one that it can be delivered first.
Formosa 6
Arirang 6
Oceania 6
Origin 6
Pacific 6
Sonoma 6
LakeAustin 6
Baja 6
NapaVally 6
CatsKills 6
SigePerilous 1
chesapeake 11
Legends 12
Atlantic 11
LakeSuperior 0-(thanks trade Lord-Kristy)
GreatLakes 6
---other stock---
Formosa (LastYear longbox-normalcolor ) 3
Arirang(`08neon-box :color-No.12) 1
ICQ- 381526480(Riker@HKT)