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Need help with server login


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi smart people,
First pls forgive,I love run on sentences.
My 12 year old who I will see this weekend has an intrest in UO. We got the game, the patches,but after he logs in he can't connect to the shard server....says cannot connect....try again later...I was in game waiting so server was not down. when I say server I mean after you put in password to pick "Sonoma" Is this a firewall issue maybe? I think he is running XPopsys. He says he can play warcraft3 fine ,but Diablo2 says his connection is too old or too new? Thats wierd since both are Blizzard!! I am just looking for some ideas before I go see my bud this holiday


Hi smart people,
First pls forgive,I love run on sentences.
My 12 year old who I will see this weekend has an intrest in UO. We got the game, the patches,but after he logs in he can't connect to the shard server....says cannot connect....try again later...I was in game waiting so server was not down. when I say server I mean after you put in password to pick "Sonoma" Is this a firewall issue maybe? I think he is running XPopsys. He says he can play warcraft3 fine ,but Diablo2 says his connection is too old or too new? Thats wierd since both are Blizzard!! I am just looking for some ideas before I go see my bud this holiday
Definetely check the firewall or if he has any thing running like peerblock. See if ip being blocked. He did patch succesfuly right?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I will check back saturday after I get a seat at his pc, but yes the game download and all patches downloaded