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Need help with Install/Patching



Okay so here's the scoop guys.

Its been about two days of installing, patching, uninstalling, re installing, patching. Dont know what I'm doing wrong here.

So it seems the install goes through fine and whatnot, I'm installing from an AOS CD. While patching (I am running Vista and patching through administrator) it patches all the way up to 7-0-6-2.rtp. I guess 7.6? Anyways, at that point once it tries to apply the patch it says "UO PATCH APPLICATION MFC has stopped working". So I figure whatever, I should still be able to play the client with a non up to date patch. WRONG. I always get some kind of error, either "Error communicating with origin" blah blah blah. I've ran the trace program and it says my connections to both the patch server and login server are excellent. I've tried running the patch, the client, everything in compatibility mode. I cant get it to work. Suggestions?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Try downloading the current installer from UO.com here. That'll save you a fair bit of patching and it might work a bit better.

If you still get errors, take a look at the patching error thread just below this one.
