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Need help. Friend in need.



So, I have a friend who is terminally ill, and has lost his eyesight due to complications. He's getting tired of sitting in front of the TV, and asked me if I could figure out how to get him some 'audiobooks'. Whats the deal here?
I'll gladly buy him some kind of .mp3/digital player/storage device, but I'm sure as hell not getting an Ipad or something just so he can listen to some books. Anyone know how big the files are? Wheres a place I can get them?

What I'd like to see is some kind of player that he can use without having to read anything. Play, next, back, pause, is all he really needs. Another issue I'm concerned about is battery life. I don't want it taking a crap on him half-way though a book. Preferably, I'd like to see some kind of player that can be plugged into a wall charger so it never dies. I'd then like to just have it jacked into his stereo via 1/8". I think headphones are going to get annoying with his oxygen tubes and crap. He is irritable.

I'm thinking an Ipod nano if it will hold at least a few books for him. Never done an 'audiobook' before.. I don't wanna let him down. Anyone have suggestions?

Much appreciated,



Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Are Kindles from Amazon text only?
If not, Ipods have gotten pretty cheap and that might be good for him to upload and reupload new books. The audio books themselves can be a little expensive though.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
if i got your freind an audio book to listen to what would i send it to you ? could you even send it ?
ill get him one cuz i feel bad about him not being able to see anymore


I was thinking of buying him an .mp3 cd player, then I could just burn a bunch onto a disk? Its either that, or someone else suggested an ipod shuffle because it doesn't have a screen he'd have to read. Also, I think I'll go grab a bunch of books on cd at the library and rip them low-quality.

Thanks for the help guys.


I got an Ipod shuffle. Cheap enough. Simple enough. I'm downloading a bunch of free audiobooks now (from 'booksshouldbefree.com', and thank you for that btw); none of which seem like great books, but he might find one he likes out of the 20 I've got. So... This audiobook thing is a racket. They want a monthly subscription, and then retail price on any book you download..

I'll see what they have at the library tomorrow. Anyone have any other suggestions? He likes fictional histories and 'western' histories and the like.. I can't really give you a good example of a book he liked, but I am downloading 'last of the mohicans' currently. I hope he likes it.

Pink Floyd

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I wouldn't recommend burning them because a lot of audiobooks (when downloaded) come in one long mp3 file..its easier to skip around/save your page or whatever on a digital device.