Speaking of bodyconv.def ....
Not to hijack the thread, but I spent some time the other day documenting some of the items with no description (mainly mobs) in the file but had some trouble finding the equipment. Anyone know the sections I'm missing? (Not that I will probably NEED them... I mostly just like disabling some of the newer mob graphics that I dislike...

Also, I'm not sure about the rules towards other programs like this so I'm not going to link to it but there is a utility very similar to InsideUO called UOFiddler. I used it without any issues (to get the numbers for the bodyconv.def, in fact) and it seems to have all of the InsideUO functionality and more. The reason I mention it is because a new version of it was released today that works with all of the new SA mobs/items/map/etc.
*** My public service announcement: I am in no way associated to the above utility and cannot endorse or guarantee it. It did not flag in my virus scanner, did not seem to do anything strange and its source code is freely available on it's website. I did not spend too much time examining the code but there was nothing there that set off immediate alarms to me. Again, it's not mine so, as always, use at your own risk. ***