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Need a gate to Marble Island Felucca


Pancho Villa

Can someone meet me at a bank and gate me to Marble Island in Felucca?

I played UO from 1998 to 2003 and just returned from an 8 year break. I would like to see my old home.



Pancho Villa

Thanks for the gate. You disappeared before I could thank you.



Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I think I know you. You're Norrin aren't you? We had a guild on marble island years back with Wonderbrick and Malak and many others. If that's you welcome back, I just came back a few months ago myself and have been playing with Wiz. Hope to see you in game some time soon.



Long time no see. Sorry most of our houses on Marble Island aren't there any more :(. I got kind of bummed after my keep glitched out and decayed and stopped trying.

Pancho Villa

Malak & Vlaude,

I am glad to hear from you guys. I hope you are doing well. I had not been on in 8 years and decided to have a look around.

I knew that Marble Island was lost. That was a great spot. I have been all over Felucca and a lot of Trammel. I don't see much going on in UO now. I have not seen anyone in Fel that is not camping a moongate. There are house spots everywhere. If you remember where I once had a 2 story (wink), it is open....I had a couple villas here and there too...those spots are open. I remember when a small house would bring $80 on eBay!

Anyway, it would be great to get the core guild back together again. If I get to come back, it would not be until June. I am super busy until then.

Keep in touch,



I'll keep an eye out. Don't have a UO account open right now. Still raiding in WoW, but that's getting kind of meh (one or two people out of 25 sucking means you don't progress, which is frustrating). Still have the same ICQ, although I don't really ever log in (maybe I'll change that).


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Good to see old friends :) Keep in touch Norrin.

@Malak, you're running out of reasons not to come back :lick:


@Malak, you're running out of reasons not to come back
So, they reverted AoS did they? Factions are balanced and interesting? And if you point out that I moved to a game developed by the guy who was behind AoS, I will find out where you live...

Also, from a min/maxer point of view it's irritating thinking of the tangible bonuses I will lose out on because my account hasn't been open nonstop, even though it's a really old account.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So, they reverted AoS did they? Factions are balanced and interesting? And if you point out that I moved to a game developed by the guy who was behind AoS, I will find out where you live...

Also, from a min/maxer point of view it's irritating thinking of the tangible bonuses I will lose out on because my account hasn't been open nonstop, even though it's a really old account.
I've known you since we were 5 years old? No need to track me down if you and Lisa ever need a vacation you've got a free place to stay.

Revert AoS? They won't even make a seperate shard with Pre-AoS item properties so fat chance. I debated it to the death in UHall and sent several PM's to the current Producer, it's never happening unfortunately.

Factions weren't interesting ever since Fuddrucker quit. Remember him? He was probably the only good faction leader Catskills has ever had. Unless they completely revamp them or go back to order/chaos they will just be a waste of time.

Believe me, I'm with you on all of those things, this game isn't as fun as it used to be. However, PvP is still fun when you can find a fight with someone who isn't using illegal programs. As far as shards go Cats probably has a lot less cheating than some of the bigger shards. Chesapeake has been a nightmare (on that end, but good on many other things). But hey, do what Norrin did, sign up for a trial and come see things for yourself. If Norrin were to come back and Wonderbrick we might have a good time for a few months (me and Wiz are already back, for now).

As far as your account, you'd have max benefits minus vet rewards, which are mostly more ethy mounts, housing items, and dye tubs, nothing game changing. Your skill cap would be 720 (which is the max) and your stat cap would get an extra +5 (which goes to +30 after eating a +25 stats scroll).

The biggest disadvantage would be all the new equipment items you would need to collect since we left 7-8 years ago. AoS was just the start, every new expansion has included new items and item properties (which are still being added to the game as recently as last month) that can only be had through fighting ridiculously boring boss monsters or spending large amounts of gold. But hey, that's not much different from what you're doing on WoW, now is it?

Anyways, shoot me a forum PM or ICQ if you ever decide to do a trial. I'm not in game much lately because of IRL responsibilties but should have some more free time in 2-3 weeks.


Just came back myself. I remember you Pancho. I seem to remember you playing in the Shadowlords faction as a Nox or Scribe mage? I was in the COM at the time with the UO Powergamers guild that was briefly on Cats.

Anyways interesting seeing some familiar names. Let me know if you come back.