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napa tram house hunters



have adecent, small house site, on fireisle tram side, not alarge spot but can get you ahouse to place secured chests in to store things from your over flowing bankbox, to sweeten the site it has afair wandering healer spawn in the jungle around it, also can give access to hythloth on the isle, if you wander the isle you will find the orc mage spawn as well also has possibility oflevel 6 treasure maps being brought up easy enough to tell those area's as they may have an ancient wyrm wandering about with demons and blood eles nearby, had to ghostaway atime or 3 myself got to close to the chest without invis pop got chest all manners of ill tempered beasties jumpout:gee:


I can be reached here by,PM, and will mark rune to the site, the house placement tool is up to you sorry guys, charity has limits :)