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[Discussion] Napa Event Items... Best in the UO?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
After seeing some of the recent auctions of Napa event items, Im beginning to think Napa has produced some of the best event items recently. Blackrock mortor & pestle 2.5-3.0 Bil, Bloodstone Bracelets 100m-800m, Necro book 255m, oh and all the Mesanna items going for over 500m and up to 3.5bil as well. Its all good but sure makes it hard to collect Napa items.. :)


Rares Fest Host | LS April 2011
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Well.. there is the upcoming mesanna event on Catskills, tomorrow monday night.

Catskills WBB is full of unique graphic and colored items.


Crazed Zealot
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Stratics Legend
After seeing some of the recent auctions of Napa event items, Im beginning to think Napa has produced some of the best event items recently. Blackrock mortor & pestle 2.5-3.0 Bil, Bloodstone Bracelets 100m-800m, Necro book 255m, oh and all the Mesanna items going for over 500m and up to 3.5bil as well. Its all good but sure makes it hard to collect Napa items.. :)
There are other factors you may want to consider:

1. Napa was only the second shard that had the Mesanna event next to Baja.
2. Baja was well controlled, i.e. majority of those items ended up in Baja player's collections and not put on open markets to sell.
3. There are many older unqiue items which sold for in the billions back then when gold was worth more so by today's market who knows what they fetch.
4. The Mortar and Bracelet were results of bidding wars. Would they consistently sell for around that price again, probably not.
5. Its really hard to say which shard had the best overall items unless you counted every item since the beginning of the EM program and tally it up that way.

Which actually sounds like a very interesting project if someone takes that up.


Rares Collector Extraordinaire | Rares Fest Host
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It could just mean that a) players on Napa are keen to sell the rewards they get, or b) players who do events on multiple shards primarily for selling rewards tend to win them more often on Napa.

The value has to be normalized. That is, you need to account for the fact that some of the other shards seem to not have items selling for high gold simply because they have not come up for sale.