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Naji questions


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I spent a few days farming up the best 2 slot Naji's I could find and before I put the time and gold into one of them I want to make sure I chose the right one. First one (which I think is the best) has 730 hit points, 220 Dex and 161 resist. Second one has 780 hit points, 193 dex and 164 resist. If neither of these two are good, what should I be looking for when I am farming them up? I also have a 808 hit point Naji that is 2 slot but only 155 resist and 187 Dex.




I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Some say the dex makes them move faster. (I think it does) can you tell if the higher dex one will move faster?

As for your question: The expensive points are Strength and Hit points. Add the strength and Hit points and compare. HP and STR are worth 3 training points. The higher combo would be the pet that would save the most points.

The good thing is: A 2 slot naj has plenty of points for scrolls and abilities.

There are 2 popular builds for Najs. One is Poisoning and the other is Frenzied WW .

I like mine:


The other is mentioned here:

Najasaurus templates

So, Keep em BOTH!

Maximus Neximus

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I believe they capped the movement speed on pets. So any dex above that amount is essentially wasted. I can't remember what the # was off the top of my head though.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks for the replies, I ran around with the 220 dex pet and the lower one and I didn't see a difference at all. I also attacked another character with each one and I didn't see any difference there either.



I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Max Nex is correct. Dex is capped at some value. 180 or so. It is capped higher than 150 at least.

Max Blackoak

Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
all I had to do to find out is go to uoguide where the latest publishes are listed on the front page and there it was: Publish 97 Bug Fixes – Ultima Online

"Pet movement speed is now capped at 190 dexterity"

so any point in dex above 190 is wasted unless you want it to be curse/clumsy proof. dex defines movement speed, which is why they capped it at the time to nerf the phoenix who people were unable to outrun even while mounted because it had 200+ dex.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
OK.. Last question about this Naji creature.. Is there a good reason to have the resist higher then 160 after it is tamed?




I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
High magic resist and 100% poison resist make the Naj Poison damage, poison, and curse immune. Very nice when fighting a Mob that poisons and curses.