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Naji question


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I started playing with a Naji to see how he would do in PVP so I put dismount and nerve strike on him. I had him attack another toon and he never dismounts or nerve strikes him. I see the mana go down so he has to be trying something. I can see how the nerve strike would maybe not be noticeable because his Bushido is only at 55 but he should still be able to dismount.

Please let me know what I am doing wrong before I put anymore time into this pet.




Stratics Veteran
Bare in mind bear that they added a PvP fix a few months back where if the owner of a dismount pets is still mounted that the dismount on pets will not land... You must be dismounted in order to dismount now..


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was mounted when I was trying it seeing he was still a level 4 pet. So is it a safe assumption that a Gargoyle can't be flying for the Naji dismount to go off? Bummer.


Stratics Veteran
yep, It was part of the tamer Pvp balances in pub 98.. if you are mounted or flying then it will still uses the mana but the move dismount will 100% fail.. until you dismount or land.hope this helps =^-^=