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Naja parrying

I trained a Naja and added a parrying power scroll, but it didn't do anything it seems. There is no parrying skill. Just shows ---

Also.. there was no option to increase poisoning to 120. Why?

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
ahh... ok. Parry will not show up until it hits gm wrestle.


UO Forum Moderator
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The Parrying thing is really one of the more annoying aspects of the pet training.

Until Wrestling hits 100, Parrying won't display.

Plus, even with it displaying, only the top half of the first page of skills will have their caps (natural or scrolled) display in the EC with Pinco's - at least in the version I have. So, if your pet has parrying, poisoning, casting skills, etc. with a cap higher than 100, you can't see the caps.
The Parrying thing is really one of the more annoying aspects of the pet training.

Until Wrestling hits 100, Parrying won't display.

Plus, even with it displaying, only the top half of the first page of skills will have their caps (natural or scrolled) display in the EC with Pinco's - at least in the version I have. So, if your pet has parrying, poisoning, casting skills, etc. with a cap higher than 100, you can't see the caps.
I use CC. How odd, though. Will report back if parrying shows up.


UO Forum Moderator
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I use CC too - but, ducked into EC just long enough to check the caps on the top 5 skills on the first section of the pets that start with over GM. I just wish that I could have checked the magery the same way.

As much as I love CC, there are a few things outside of combat, mostly for bookkeeping, that the EC makes easier (checking the totals of all bonuses on suits, checking training progress on pets, etc.). And those don't require leaving home for (esepecially if you got a hitching post handy to go through the pets).

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Only time I log onto EC is if I need to put a space in a critters name lol. Can't figure out how to do much beyond that honestly. Too complicated imo.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I stand by my offer to assist any who are willing to give the EC an honest try that I will teach you how to set up the EC and Pinco's UI... to maximize use... if you want.

Teach you the in's and out's of macros and such... though some folk are far better than me at agents and all...

I know how to set up the EC to be functional and useful as well as to reduce lag and many other issues.

One big thing is to turn off footsteps because they have NEVER been in sync... which gives you that "wierd" feeling when walking...