It has been brought to our attention that we should post on here a listing of our services and rough estimates of what we are charging per build, along with a few questions we are often asked and their answers.
That being said, our prices have changed since publish 96 when goza's could no longer be placed on stone blocks. This curve ball did not stop us, it just taught us to re-invent the way we build. Our custom stone crafted homes now take longer to build as we now have to go through a LOT more steps than we once used to in order to keep bringing you new and creative custom homes. The up side to this for you the buyer would be that under the goza floor will now be a stone floor as well, giving a little more room for accidental goza chops.
House Size -------------------Stone Crafted Build--------------------Custom -------------------- Deco
7x7......................................100m (+Dyes)......................................50m..................................100m
8x12(13).............................150m (+Dyes)......................................75m..................................150m
11x11..................................350m (+Dyes) .....................................100m................................200m
13x14..................................250m (+Dyes).....................................150m................................250m
14x16.................................500m (+Dyes)......................................200m................................300m
18x18 ................................1p (+Dyes) ..........................................300m ............................... 500m
Prebuilt Home Additions
Home Size ------------------- Raised Roof ------------------Deco
For those of you who wish to see some of our previous works, here are some links to view at your leisure:
Stone Crafted Builds
N/A Luxury Estates is back, and back to building!!!
N/A is Proud to Present "The Tree Of Knowledge", Owned and Operated by Legolas
#17 in N/A's Luxury Estates Collection the Hot "House of Horrors"
#10 in N/A's Luxury Estate Collection. "The nightmare before Christmas" (Contracted Home)SOLD
SOLD!!! FOR SALE- N/A Presents "The 8 Bit Arcade 2.0"
SOLD!!!-N/A is proud to present "StarBurst", creation #8 in our line of Luxury Estates
(SOLD) The 8 Bit Arcade, Brought to you by N/A Luxury estates!!!(atlantic)
(Not For Sale) N/A Proudly Presents #16 in Our Line of Luxury Estates, The Marvel Mansion
New Housing Design Brought To You By N/A of Atlantic!
(SOLD) The Crow's Nest, an N/A Creation
NOT FOR SALE, "Rubble Mountain", owner Quintessence, an example of N/A's production and design
Custom Builds
(Not For Sale) N/A Proudly Presents #15 in our line of Luxury Estates, Aikachan's Ice House
N/A's Quintessence & NightHawk are proud to present #13 Lighthouse!
N/A's Quintessence & NightHawk are proud to present Lucky Seven Casino! #12
Now For Some of our most commonly asked questions:
Q. Will I get in trouble for the extra floors?
A. No , you will not get into trouble for using one of the houses that N/A creates for you.
Our unique design makes it so that no matter how close your closest neighbor is, the house will not render what so ever until you enter it. If your neighbor enters your house and then goes into theirs, there will be a moment it seems like the neighboring house is blocked. But this problem is truly no problem at all, just recall out to a different area, and back again. The N/A constructed home looks again like a blank lot, blocking no one!
Q. What if they page a GM to have me remove my extra floors?
A. On the really off chance you have one of those fit to complain and page neighbors, we will give you (upon purchase of the house) the ticket number and GM to reference back to if your design should ever come in question. NightHawk and I have already spent time talking with the GM's about the design, the GM's have met on the subject of the house design and the verdict is in and is official. These N/A crafted houses are of legit design.
Q. What about lock downs? Won't all the goza's and stone walls take a LOT of lockdowns?
A. More beauty in our epic design here as well as the goza's and stone walls (or stone floor if that is a preference) take no (0) lockdowns! Leaving you to load you home to max content if you so wish it.
Q. Can I use the extra floors?
A. All extra floors work the same as a regular floor allowing you to lock down items, containers and just about anything else. The only exception here is that the stone walls (or floors for that matter) used to create the house do not work in the extra floor levels. There are wall pieces that can be purchased (rubble walls for example), or other alternatives in general like using boxes, display cases, tables or other non walk through items around the edges.
Q. Can you do custom homes?
A. There are many things that factor into a completely custom home. Stone crafted custom? Regular Custom? We do both....
With stone crafted houses minor restrictions may apply. For example: it seems there are height restrictions on certain areas. There are some areas of Trammel you can only go one extra level (5 total), while other areas of Trammel you can go up to six levels (two extra floors). While in Malas or Ter Mur it seems that you can easily go seven total floors (three extra). Tokuno, however it seems we cannot add any extra floors to at all.
That is just part of what is to be considered on a custom home. What colors are you wanting? Are you wanting a particular style or theme? Are you wanting us to just build the home, or deco as well? What materials are needed?
These are just a few examples of things to factor in.
Now this is not to say that we won't do it. This just means there is a lot to think about. But if you want a totally custom house, feel free to contact either NightHawk or I on general chat, Atlantic Shard, and if we are on we will try our best to answer all of your questions and work out total pricing with you. If you don't get us in general chat we often times have our own chat channel up under N/A LuxuryEstates.
Q. After a stone crafted house is built can I just hit customize and change something later on?
A. Oh please Nooooo! Technically yes you can. But be warned that if you go into customization mode on a stone crafted build the house will be packed up inside of the moving crate. Some deco will likely be in there, while most will be as you left it. Long story short, if you have a problem with something on a build we have done for you, contact us and we can fix it more likely than not. If you hit customize and box up your house we will NOT do a free remodel. You have been warned.
Q. What if I don't like it after you built it?
A. If the house has been built, and you have already paid for it and said you love it, then another build is exactly that. If we are working on the build and you see something you don' t like , tell us as soon as you see it. Don't wait. No matter how big or small the thing is, TELL US so we can fix it then. The stone crafted builds are less forgiving than regular custom builds in the sense that we can make changes along the way MUCH easier than going back later to fix something. Going back later makes us consider reconstruction fees. So please if you see something you don't like while we are building, tell us. We prefer to work with you then have you hate it later.
That being said, our prices have changed since publish 96 when goza's could no longer be placed on stone blocks. This curve ball did not stop us, it just taught us to re-invent the way we build. Our custom stone crafted homes now take longer to build as we now have to go through a LOT more steps than we once used to in order to keep bringing you new and creative custom homes. The up side to this for you the buyer would be that under the goza floor will now be a stone floor as well, giving a little more room for accidental goza chops.
House Size -------------------Stone Crafted Build--------------------Custom -------------------- Deco
7x7......................................100m (+Dyes)......................................50m..................................100m
8x12(13).............................150m (+Dyes)......................................75m..................................150m
11x11..................................350m (+Dyes) .....................................100m................................200m
13x14..................................250m (+Dyes).....................................150m................................250m
14x16.................................500m (+Dyes)......................................200m................................300m
18x18 ................................1p (+Dyes) ..........................................300m ............................... 500m
Prebuilt Home Additions
Home Size ------------------- Raised Roof ------------------Deco
For those of you who wish to see some of our previous works, here are some links to view at your leisure:
Stone Crafted Builds
N/A Luxury Estates is back, and back to building!!!
N/A is Proud to Present "The Tree Of Knowledge", Owned and Operated by Legolas
#17 in N/A's Luxury Estates Collection the Hot "House of Horrors"
#10 in N/A's Luxury Estate Collection. "The nightmare before Christmas" (Contracted Home)SOLD
SOLD!!! FOR SALE- N/A Presents "The 8 Bit Arcade 2.0"
SOLD!!!-N/A is proud to present "StarBurst", creation #8 in our line of Luxury Estates
(SOLD) The 8 Bit Arcade, Brought to you by N/A Luxury estates!!!(atlantic)
(Not For Sale) N/A Proudly Presents #16 in Our Line of Luxury Estates, The Marvel Mansion
New Housing Design Brought To You By N/A of Atlantic!
(SOLD) The Crow's Nest, an N/A Creation
NOT FOR SALE, "Rubble Mountain", owner Quintessence, an example of N/A's production and design
Custom Builds
(Not For Sale) N/A Proudly Presents #15 in our line of Luxury Estates, Aikachan's Ice House
N/A's Quintessence & NightHawk are proud to present #13 Lighthouse!
N/A's Quintessence & NightHawk are proud to present Lucky Seven Casino! #12
Now For Some of our most commonly asked questions:
Q. Will I get in trouble for the extra floors?
A. No , you will not get into trouble for using one of the houses that N/A creates for you.
Our unique design makes it so that no matter how close your closest neighbor is, the house will not render what so ever until you enter it. If your neighbor enters your house and then goes into theirs, there will be a moment it seems like the neighboring house is blocked. But this problem is truly no problem at all, just recall out to a different area, and back again. The N/A constructed home looks again like a blank lot, blocking no one!
Q. What if they page a GM to have me remove my extra floors?
A. On the really off chance you have one of those fit to complain and page neighbors, we will give you (upon purchase of the house) the ticket number and GM to reference back to if your design should ever come in question. NightHawk and I have already spent time talking with the GM's about the design, the GM's have met on the subject of the house design and the verdict is in and is official. These N/A crafted houses are of legit design.
Q. What about lock downs? Won't all the goza's and stone walls take a LOT of lockdowns?
A. More beauty in our epic design here as well as the goza's and stone walls (or stone floor if that is a preference) take no (0) lockdowns! Leaving you to load you home to max content if you so wish it.
Q. Can I use the extra floors?
A. All extra floors work the same as a regular floor allowing you to lock down items, containers and just about anything else. The only exception here is that the stone walls (or floors for that matter) used to create the house do not work in the extra floor levels. There are wall pieces that can be purchased (rubble walls for example), or other alternatives in general like using boxes, display cases, tables or other non walk through items around the edges.
Q. Can you do custom homes?
A. There are many things that factor into a completely custom home. Stone crafted custom? Regular Custom? We do both....
With stone crafted houses minor restrictions may apply. For example: it seems there are height restrictions on certain areas. There are some areas of Trammel you can only go one extra level (5 total), while other areas of Trammel you can go up to six levels (two extra floors). While in Malas or Ter Mur it seems that you can easily go seven total floors (three extra). Tokuno, however it seems we cannot add any extra floors to at all.
That is just part of what is to be considered on a custom home. What colors are you wanting? Are you wanting a particular style or theme? Are you wanting us to just build the home, or deco as well? What materials are needed?
These are just a few examples of things to factor in.
Now this is not to say that we won't do it. This just means there is a lot to think about. But if you want a totally custom house, feel free to contact either NightHawk or I on general chat, Atlantic Shard, and if we are on we will try our best to answer all of your questions and work out total pricing with you. If you don't get us in general chat we often times have our own chat channel up under N/A LuxuryEstates.
Q. After a stone crafted house is built can I just hit customize and change something later on?
A. Oh please Nooooo! Technically yes you can. But be warned that if you go into customization mode on a stone crafted build the house will be packed up inside of the moving crate. Some deco will likely be in there, while most will be as you left it. Long story short, if you have a problem with something on a build we have done for you, contact us and we can fix it more likely than not. If you hit customize and box up your house we will NOT do a free remodel. You have been warned.
Q. What if I don't like it after you built it?
A. If the house has been built, and you have already paid for it and said you love it, then another build is exactly that. If we are working on the build and you see something you don' t like , tell us as soon as you see it. Don't wait. No matter how big or small the thing is, TELL US so we can fix it then. The stone crafted builds are less forgiving than regular custom builds in the sense that we can make changes along the way MUCH easier than going back later to fix something. Going back later makes us consider reconstruction fees. So please if you see something you don't like while we are building, tell us. We prefer to work with you then have you hate it later.
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