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    Please read the new announcement concerning the upcoming addition to Stratics. You can find the announcement Here!

Mythic posts a new story addition.

  • Thread starter Salya Sin
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

Salya Sin

As I'm not really supposed to post the storyline articles as news... I do want to keep everyone informed when they are posted... sooo... from now on I'll either include them in a News recap where they are necessary to the event... or I will post a link in a thread so that everyone will get the alert that they might have missed the post.

For some reason the RSS feed for Mythic is NOT working... grrr... so I missed this one... I assume everyone read the one about Sherry the Mouse posted on February 26th....

The following one was posted on April 2nd. It pertains to The Abyss.


For those who like to check on things first hand... and not wait for others to post it... the story lines on Mythic are usually posted here-


Best Gaming Wishes,
Salya Sin