At this time they are Warhammer Online only. Jacobs said:So, I’m pleased to announce that in the next few months Mythic will be hosting, for the first time, its own Official Forums for one of its games. Now, I expect that some (okay, a lot) of you are wondering what form these forums will take and why, after so many years of being rather vocal against OFs, are we doing them now. I hope to answer both of these questions here today.
If the forums are a success perhaps they will open one for UO. But it might be complicated because UO doesn't use the same account management system as DAOC or Warhammer. I would not be surprised if they are working behind the scenes to transfer UO over to this. They have already hinted that account management is being worked on.Mark Jacobs said:Now, as to why I have reversed my rather vocal stance on internal support forums for a game. Quite frankly, I still believe that OFs are not a panacea to cure all the ills of a game. I still also remain convinced that having OFs are not a guarantee of success for an MMO. However, I do think that right now we should have our own OFs because it will allow us to communicate with and better support the players of WAR.