This isn't the usual "WHERE IZ MAH SCROLLS!?!" thread. This topic is seriously bugging me. I have wasted my free game time the past few days and seriously got into training it today and got it up to 80 before deciding to give it a chance on a character to gauge it's effectiveness.
I moved skills around and created the following template with my leftover skills:
110 Fencing
100 Tactics
100 Anatomy
100 Chivalry
100 Healing
100 Eval
80 Mysticism
In theory this seemed to be a doable template. Eval is used to increase power of some spells and Anat and Tactics are supposed to increase the power of the Animated Weapon(a 4 slot summon) and while I know I lacked imbuing I didn't really factor it in as overall damage output or healing ability. I sort of ignored those spells and chalked their ineffectiveness up to just lacking those skills.
So I set out to do the gargoyle quest into the abyss. I was an elf... like that matters. So my suit was very well equipped... It contained artifacts and everything. My weapons were even decent. I decided to start off killing things my other characters dispose of in their sleep using both chivalry and mysticism. So I headed into the Tomb of Kings. I hit gargoyle shades... started doing ok at first but when I attempted to use Stone Form I was literally destoryed... I had to run. This is my basic experience with the skill:
Nether Bolt - USELESS it did maybe 2-3 damage to everything. *Further testing averages 10 points per hit with a maximum of 17 so far*
Healing Stone - 13 hp healed and still has a timer(potions are better)
Purge Magic - Kinda pointless unless you are PvPing even then not very useful.
Enchant - When it hits it is nice but generally a pretty useless spell. It rarely hit but when it did it seemed to hit 3-4 times in a row. Same as the hit spell on a weapon so moderately useful for it's mana usage. *Useful if you have 80 imbue decent to use whenever if you have a weapon*
Sleep - It works well to slow a target down and seems to cause it to lose target but also stopped me from attacking sometimes and put me out of war mode... it was almost like I was getting invised.
Eagle Strike - Seems nice... it hit for around 20-30 on most everything.
Animated Weapon - With GM tactics and anatomy it took up 4 slots and was COMPLETELY useless. I would have done a LOT better with a Vollem... or a pet chicken... it did anywhere from 2-11 damage. This does well under what a single EV does yet takes up 4 slots? Come on now with as much of a skill sink as Mysticism is this should be a damn good spell.
Stone Form - Did far more harm than good... it made me slower all around and while sometimes it felt like things were missing me for the most part it seemed like I was getting literally destroyed.
Spell Trigger - Without imbuing it let me store Healing Stone and Nether Bolt... Completely useless...
Mass Sleep - Seemed to work well on multiple mobs... it generally slowed down 2 enemies and caused them to stop attacking me.
Cleansing Winds - Useful. It healed for 26, removed all the debuffs I had on me, and when I was poisoned it cured... VERY nice... it seems to be an all around fix-me-up.
Bombard - It didn't do much for me... It did less damage than Eagle Strike and really didn't impress me.
I guess my question is... has anyone else had a better experience with this? I am starting to think this is a complete waste of time. It doesn't really feel worth the skill points put into it right now. Has anyone tried it with better results?
I moved skills around and created the following template with my leftover skills:
110 Fencing
100 Tactics
100 Anatomy
100 Chivalry
100 Healing
100 Eval
80 Mysticism
In theory this seemed to be a doable template. Eval is used to increase power of some spells and Anat and Tactics are supposed to increase the power of the Animated Weapon(a 4 slot summon) and while I know I lacked imbuing I didn't really factor it in as overall damage output or healing ability. I sort of ignored those spells and chalked their ineffectiveness up to just lacking those skills.
So I set out to do the gargoyle quest into the abyss. I was an elf... like that matters. So my suit was very well equipped... It contained artifacts and everything. My weapons were even decent. I decided to start off killing things my other characters dispose of in their sleep using both chivalry and mysticism. So I headed into the Tomb of Kings. I hit gargoyle shades... started doing ok at first but when I attempted to use Stone Form I was literally destoryed... I had to run. This is my basic experience with the skill:
Nether Bolt - USELESS it did maybe 2-3 damage to everything. *Further testing averages 10 points per hit with a maximum of 17 so far*
Healing Stone - 13 hp healed and still has a timer(potions are better)
Purge Magic - Kinda pointless unless you are PvPing even then not very useful.
Enchant - When it hits it is nice but generally a pretty useless spell. It rarely hit but when it did it seemed to hit 3-4 times in a row. Same as the hit spell on a weapon so moderately useful for it's mana usage. *Useful if you have 80 imbue decent to use whenever if you have a weapon*
Sleep - It works well to slow a target down and seems to cause it to lose target but also stopped me from attacking sometimes and put me out of war mode... it was almost like I was getting invised.
Eagle Strike - Seems nice... it hit for around 20-30 on most everything.
Animated Weapon - With GM tactics and anatomy it took up 4 slots and was COMPLETELY useless. I would have done a LOT better with a Vollem... or a pet chicken... it did anywhere from 2-11 damage. This does well under what a single EV does yet takes up 4 slots? Come on now with as much of a skill sink as Mysticism is this should be a damn good spell.
Stone Form - Did far more harm than good... it made me slower all around and while sometimes it felt like things were missing me for the most part it seemed like I was getting literally destroyed.
Spell Trigger - Without imbuing it let me store Healing Stone and Nether Bolt... Completely useless...
Mass Sleep - Seemed to work well on multiple mobs... it generally slowed down 2 enemies and caused them to stop attacking me.
Cleansing Winds - Useful. It healed for 26, removed all the debuffs I had on me, and when I was poisoned it cured... VERY nice... it seems to be an all around fix-me-up.
Bombard - It didn't do much for me... It did less damage than Eagle Strike and really didn't impress me.
I guess my question is... has anyone else had a better experience with this? I am starting to think this is a complete waste of time. It doesn't really feel worth the skill points put into it right now. Has anyone tried it with better results?