In the interest of fleshing out possible balance issues with the new skills, I made this Q/A thread. Please feel free to bring up any concerns you have with possible abuses that could be introduced with mysticism in this thread.
Disclaimer: Any answer to a question found here is based on the current design. The design may change during the balancing process.
General Questions
Q: Are you frozen in place while casting mysticism spells?
A: Yes.
Q: Do slayer spellbooks work with Mysticism spells?
A: Yes.
Q: Do Mysticism spells interrupt like magery spells do?
A: You can interrupt Mysticism spells. Spellcasting will look similar to Spellweaving.
Q: Does Inscription impact the damage of Mysticism spells?
A: Yes, Inscription gives a damage bonus to all spells that use Evaluate Intelligence to determine their damage.
Q: How will players acquire Mysticism spells?
A: To be determined.
Q: Can you inscribe Mysticism spells?
A: To be determined.
Q: Does garlic from Mysticism spells do damage to people in vampric embrace form?
A: Yes.
Q: Do the cast speeds of the offensive Mysticism spells roughly correspond to the same tier of magery spell?
A: Yes.
Q: Does the damage of offensive Mysticism spells roughly correspond to the same tier of magery spell?
A: Yes.
Q: What is the FC/FCR cap on mysticism? (ex 2/6 like magery 3/6 like necro or 4/6 like spellweaving)
A: Currently, 4/6 like spellweaving, though this may need to be carefully scrutinized.
Note: Leurocian later mentioned that 2/6 will probably be the cap.
Q: How does imbuing/mysticism impact the power of summons? Ex. is it how long the summon lasts, how many hp it has, the skills it has, does it add hit spells to the summon?, etc
A: Mostly all the above. It affects skills, stats, duration, etc.
*** Rank 1 ***
Nether Bolt
Description: Conjures a bolt of nether energy to assault the Mystic's target.
Skills Used: Mysticism / Evaluate Intelligence
Damage Type: Chaos
Healing Stone
Description: Conjures a healing stone, usable only by the Mystic.
Skills Used: Mysticism / Imbuing
Q: How does Healing Stone Work?
A: You cast the healing stone spell and you summon a healing stone in your backpack. You can only have one at a time. Dropping the healing stone destroys it. Shares the same timer as a healing potion (10 seconds). In the case of the healing stone, imbuing (not evaluating intelligence) and mysticism scale the healing power. The Spellweaving spell: Arcane Empowerment can further increase the effectiveness of the healing.
Q: How is the healing Determined for the Healing Stone?
A: A Healing Stone is equivalent between a Heal and a Greater Heal spell when used.
The Healing effect is scaled based on the Mysticism and Imbuing skill levels of the caster.
Amt Healed = 1d6 + (((mysticismSkill + imbuingSkill) / 2) / 4)
31-36 @ 120;
The Healing effect can be augmented by the Spellweaving Arcane Empowerment ability
Enhanced Potions does not affect the Healing Stone
Q: Does a Mystic need a free hand to use a Healing Stone?
A: Yes.
Q: Does Enhance potions work with the healing stone?
A: No. Imbuing and Mysticism determine its potency. As already mentioned, the spellweaving arcane empowerment spell can augment the healing stone as well.
*** Rank 2 ***
Purge Magic
Description: Removes one beneficial ward from the target.
Skills Used: Mysticism / Evaluate Intelligence
Ward removed is chosen at random.
If the victim doesn’t possess any wards, then this spell doesn't remove any wards.
Casting Purge Magic is a harmful act.
Wards that can be removed are the following:
Animal Form
Giant Serpent
Excluding Talisman Animal Forms: Cu'sidhe, Ferret, Reptalon, and Squirrel
Magic Reflection
Curse Weapon
Horrific Beast
Lich Form
Vampiric Embrace
Wraith Form
Consecrate Weapon
Divine Fury
Enemy of One
Reactive Armor
Arcane Empowerment
Attune Weapon
Gift of Life
Gift of Renewal
Immolating Weapon
Reaper Form
Stone Form
Wards bestowed by items when worn are not affected by this spell.
Can be completely resisted by a successful resist check.
Q: Can Purge Magic remove Evasion and Confidence?
A: No on Evasion. Yes on Confidence.
Q: If you use Purge Magic to dispel Evasion, Confidence, Gift of Renewal, Attune Weapon or Ethereal Voyage is the target's cooldown timer reset?
A: No. Cooldown should still be in effect.
Q: Is mage polymorph effected by Purge Magic?
A: No.
Description: Temporarily imbues one weapon with a hit spell effect.
Skills Used: Mysticism / Imbuing
Q: Can you enchant weapons being held by other players or creatures?
A: No.
Q: Can a Mystic choose what hit spell to Enchant onto a weapon?
A: Yes
Q: Does a hit spell effect added by enchant stack with other hit spells on the weapon?
A: No. And that include the ninja focus attack ability as well.
*** Rank 3 ***
Description: Puts one creature into a temporary sleep state. In this state, the creature will be unable to attack or cast spells, and will move at a much slower speed. It will awaken if harmed or after a little bit of time passes.
Skills Used: Mysticism / Evaluate Intelligence
Target is forced to move at walk speed
Target Can not cast spells or attack (but can still use items)
Target's DCI is reduced by 45
Sleep is removed when a target is hit (just like paralyze)
The Sleep duration is scaled based on the (Evaluating Intelligence + Mysticism) / 20 of the caster. 12 seconds @ 120 Evaluating Intelligence + 120 Mysticism.
The Duration is scaled down based on the target's Resist spells skill
Resisting Spells shortens the duration of this spell effect, identical to paralyze. 0 seconds @ 120 Resisting Spells, if Evaluating Intelligence and Mysticism of the Mystic are also 120.
In other words, If you have 120 Resist Spells, you are immune to the sleep effect.
The sleep spell is considered an attack (like paralyze)
Key Notes about Sleep:
NPC spellcasters such as Satyrs and Dryads cannot calm a player, player's pet, etc. if he is currently under this Sleep spell.
Peacemaking will not work on any creature, player, etc. if the calmed target is currently under this Sleep spell.
The following conditions make the target immune to the sleep spell:
Target is currently immune to paralyze due to recent paralyzing special moves.
Target is already paralyzed, stunned, calmed via Peacemaking, or already asleep.
Target is immune to bard abilities.
Target is a shopkeeper.
Taming is not penalized with the Sleep spell, even though Paralyze does penalize Taming. In other words, you can sleep/tame a creature assuming the creature isn't immune to sleep.
Honor checks to see if the target is under the sleep effect.
Q: Do pop boxes remove the sleep effect?
A: Yes. Taking damage will break the sleep effect.
Eagle Strike
Description: Conjures a magical eagle-like creature as a projectile that assaults the target with its talons.
Skills Used: Mysticism / Evaluate Intelligence
Damage Type: Energy
*** Rank 4 ***
Animated Weapon
Description: Conjures and animates a weapon to attack nearby foes.
Skills Used: Mysticism / Imbuing
Control Slots: 4
Stone Form
Description: Infuses the caster with the essence of solid stone, making him slow to move and fight and cast spells, but gives him resistances to damage and a slight bonus to physical damage attacks.
Skills Used: Mysticism / Imbuing
This form also renders the stone formed character immune to poison, strangle, bleeding, sleep, paralysis, str/dex/int reduction magics, and removes all of these afflictions.
Note: Peerless attacks such as Gaze of Despair that reduces str/dex/int by 20 will still work on Mystic.
The form’s resistances and bonus to physical attacks are scaled based on the Mysticism and Imbuing skill levels of the caster.
Movement slowed. (Forced to walk)
-10% Swing Speed Increase
-2 Faster Casting
Bonus to Resists = ((mysticismSkill + imbuingSkill) / 24) (+10% to all resists @ 120 Mysticism and 120 Imbuing)
Bonus to Resist Cap ((mysticismSkill + imbuingSkill) / 48) (+5% to all resists @ 120 Mysticism and 120 Imbuing)
Melee Damage Increase = ((mysticismSkill + imbuingSkill)/ 12) (+20% melee damage increase @ 120 Mysticism and 120 Imbuing)
Characters cannot be mounted while in Stone Form; gargoyles will be forced to walk as well.
Keep in mind that any talismans that remove wards or the purge magic spell can remove stone form.
Leurocian is currently requestion player feedback on the design for Stone Form at this thread.
*** Rank 5 ***
Spell Trigger
Description: Allows a Mystic to store a Rank 6 or lower Mysticism spell on a spell stone to be invoked later.
Skills Used: Mysticism/Imbuing
Details: Leurocian has stated that at 120/120 Mysticism/Imbuing you would be able to store up to a Rank 6 Mysticism spell.
I interpreted this to mean that the system is using this equation to determine what rank of spell you can trigger.
(Mysticism + Imbuing)/40
Total Mysticism and Imbuing Skill Points Requirements
Rank 1: 40
Rank 2: 80
Rank 3: 120
Rank 4: 160
Rank 5: 200
Rank 6: 240
Q: How does spell Trigger work?
A:Once triggered, the spell will take immediate effect, provided that all the normal validations pass such as enough mana, available control slots, reagents, appropriate skill level, valid targets/locations, etc. If any of these validations fail, the Spell Trigger cannot be activated.
Note: Spell Triggers can trigger stored spells even if the Mystic is frozen, stunned, calmed, slept, etc. However, Spell Triggers can not be triggered if the player is in no play mode (like character transfers)
The Spell Trigger remains in tact until triggered or until the magic is cancelled (i.e., logging into the game cancels buffs and debuffs).
Spell Triggers cannot be purged (Mysticism: Purge Magic).
Spell Triggers brought within an area of no-magic are suppressed and cannot be activated.
Only one Spell Trigger can be on a Mystic at a time. Recasting a Spell Trigger replaces any existing Spell Triggers on the Mystic.
The Spell Trigger spell can never be selected as a spell to trigger. All other Mysticism spells are valid provided that the Mystic has sufficient skill levels in Mysticism and Imbuing.
There is a 5 minute cooldown after a Spell Trigger is triggered before a Spell Trigger can be invoked again.
The Spell Stone is deleted upon the player logging into the game.
Q: When casting a spell from a spell trigger, does it do a reagent check when the trigger is invoked? Specifically, does triggering a spell that uses garlic while in vampire form damage the caster.
A: I believe it should. I'll verify that and confirm.
Mass Sleep
Description: Does the same thing as Sleep, but area effect around the targeted creature.
Skills Used: Mysticism / Evaluate Intelligence
Targeting: AoE(2x2) Around Target
Q: Does mass sleep hit friends and foes alike?
A: No. Just Foes.
*** Rank 6 ***
Cleansing Winds
Description: Soothing winds cure poison, lift curses, and heal all characters in a party within a small area of effect.
Skills Used: Mysticism / Evaluate Intelligence
Targeting: AoE(2x2) Around Target
Q: Does cleansing winds also heal pets? It would be really cool if it AoE healed party members and pets of party members (pack tamers would LOVE this).
A: The current design is no. Cleansing Winds functions similarly to the magery Arch-Protection spells. It heals all characters in a party.
Q: Does cleansing winds cast about as fast as Energy Bolt?
A: Yes.
Q: How does the remove curse and cure poison and healing aspects of Cleansing Winds work? For Instance, does it cure poison like arch cure?
A: Cures poison like arch cure. 85% chance at 120 mysticism and 120 eval
Q: Does it remove multiple curses?
A: Yes. 85% at 120 mysticism and 120 eval
Q: Does it heal like Greater Heal?
A: The Healing effect is between a Heal and Greater Heal in power
Description: Conjures a magical boulder projectile that is hurled at your target. This spell also has a chance to knockback and stun a player victim for 2 seconds.
Skills Used: Mysticism / Evaluate Intelligence
Damage Type: Physical
Q: How does Bombard Determine its chance to knockback/stun?
A: The % chance to knockback and stun the victim is (Mysticism + Imbuing / 20)
120 + 120 / 20 = 12 (12%)
Resisting Spells reduces this percent chance (120 / 10) (i.e., 120 Resisting Spells completely neutralizes the knockback and stun effect)
*** Rank 7 ***
Spell Plague
Description: Inflicts one or more victims in its area of effect with a terrible curse. Each time the victim hits with a harmful attack (spell, melee, ranged, etc.), there is a chance that the victim will take an explosion backlash of fire damage.
Skills Used: Mysticism / Evaluate Intelligence
Damage Type: Fire
Targeting: AoE(4x4) Around Target
The Spell Plague chance is determined based on the Evaluating Intelligence and Mysticism of the Mystic and the Resisting Spells of the victim.
If (Eval + Mysticism)/2 of Caster = Resist Spells of target, there's a 50% chance for the curse to harm them.
Damage is equivalent to a 7th circle Mysticism/Magery spell.
Damage can be enhanced by the following (same as Magery):
Inscription Bonus
Intelligence Bonus
Spell Damage Increase (capped at 15% for PvP)
Slayer Spellbook
Evaluating Intelligence Bonus
If Every time Spell Plague harms someone, there's a 50% chance the plague will expire.
Spell Plague expires after 15 seconds assuming it wasn't removed.
There is a 30 second cooldown, meaning the Mystic can only cast a spell plague once every 30 seconds.
Note: victim will not take damage from the spell plague if the Mystic is on a different facet or the like.
Hail Storm
Description: A torrent of rain brings down a storm of hailstones upon the caster's enemies in the surrounding area.
Skills Used: Mysticism / Evaluate Intelligence
Damage Type: Cold
Targeting: AoE (2x2) around target Damage all done at once.
Q: Is Hail storm damage split the same way as meteor shower and chain lightning? (full dmg on first 2 targets, but reduced dmg if more than 2 targets are hit)
A: No. Not currently. But that is something we can scrutinize and adjust if need.
*** Rank 8 ***
Nether Cyclone
Description: Sends a gale of lethal wind in the direction of foes.
Skills Used: Mysticism / Evaluate Intelligence
Damage Type: Chaos
Targeting: AoE(2x2) Around Target
Q: How does Nether Cyclone damage work? I'm assuming the spell is Energy, because it was an energy spell in past ultima game. If so, how does the spell differ from the mage spell Chain Lightning?
A: The damage inflicted is 100% Chaos.
In addition to doing damage, mana and stamina of the victims can be reduced by up to 20% of their max values.
Resisting Spells of the victim can reduce this % reduction.
The mana and stamina depletion are scaled based on the Mysticism and Evaluating Intelligence skill levels of the caster.
Mana & Stamina reduction calculation:
% reduction = ((Mysticism + Evaluating Intelligence) / 120))
Then, take Resisting Spells into account:
% reduction = % reduction – (Resisting Spells / 80)
Example: 120 Mysticism and 120 Evaluating Intelligence has a base 20% Mana and Stamina reduction to victims.
If a victim has 120 Resisting Spells, then the percent becomes 5% (i.e., 120 / 8 = reduced by 15%).
Rising Colossus
Description: Summons a colossal stone titan that will attack nearby foes.
Skills Used: Mysticism/Imbuing/Evaluate Intelligence
Control Slots: 5
Mysticism, Imbuing, and Eval Int determine the stats, skills, and abilities of the Rising Colossus.
Disclaimer: Any answer to a question found here is based on the current design. The design may change during the balancing process.
General Questions
Q: Are you frozen in place while casting mysticism spells?
A: Yes.
Q: Do slayer spellbooks work with Mysticism spells?
A: Yes.
Q: Do Mysticism spells interrupt like magery spells do?
A: You can interrupt Mysticism spells. Spellcasting will look similar to Spellweaving.
Q: Does Inscription impact the damage of Mysticism spells?
A: Yes, Inscription gives a damage bonus to all spells that use Evaluate Intelligence to determine their damage.
Q: How will players acquire Mysticism spells?
A: To be determined.
Q: Can you inscribe Mysticism spells?
A: To be determined.
Q: Does garlic from Mysticism spells do damage to people in vampric embrace form?
A: Yes.
Q: Do the cast speeds of the offensive Mysticism spells roughly correspond to the same tier of magery spell?
A: Yes.
Q: Does the damage of offensive Mysticism spells roughly correspond to the same tier of magery spell?
A: Yes.
Q: What is the FC/FCR cap on mysticism? (ex 2/6 like magery 3/6 like necro or 4/6 like spellweaving)
A: Currently, 4/6 like spellweaving, though this may need to be carefully scrutinized.
Note: Leurocian later mentioned that 2/6 will probably be the cap.
Q: How does imbuing/mysticism impact the power of summons? Ex. is it how long the summon lasts, how many hp it has, the skills it has, does it add hit spells to the summon?, etc
A: Mostly all the above. It affects skills, stats, duration, etc.
*** Rank 1 ***
Nether Bolt
Description: Conjures a bolt of nether energy to assault the Mystic's target.
Skills Used: Mysticism / Evaluate Intelligence
Damage Type: Chaos
Healing Stone
Description: Conjures a healing stone, usable only by the Mystic.
Skills Used: Mysticism / Imbuing
Q: How does Healing Stone Work?
A: You cast the healing stone spell and you summon a healing stone in your backpack. You can only have one at a time. Dropping the healing stone destroys it. Shares the same timer as a healing potion (10 seconds). In the case of the healing stone, imbuing (not evaluating intelligence) and mysticism scale the healing power. The Spellweaving spell: Arcane Empowerment can further increase the effectiveness of the healing.
Q: How is the healing Determined for the Healing Stone?
A: A Healing Stone is equivalent between a Heal and a Greater Heal spell when used.
The Healing effect is scaled based on the Mysticism and Imbuing skill levels of the caster.
Amt Healed = 1d6 + (((mysticismSkill + imbuingSkill) / 2) / 4)
31-36 @ 120;
The Healing effect can be augmented by the Spellweaving Arcane Empowerment ability
Enhanced Potions does not affect the Healing Stone
Q: Does a Mystic need a free hand to use a Healing Stone?
A: Yes.
Q: Does Enhance potions work with the healing stone?
A: No. Imbuing and Mysticism determine its potency. As already mentioned, the spellweaving arcane empowerment spell can augment the healing stone as well.
*** Rank 2 ***
Purge Magic
Description: Removes one beneficial ward from the target.
Skills Used: Mysticism / Evaluate Intelligence
Ward removed is chosen at random.
If the victim doesn’t possess any wards, then this spell doesn't remove any wards.
Casting Purge Magic is a harmful act.
Wards that can be removed are the following:
Animal Form
Giant Serpent
Excluding Talisman Animal Forms: Cu'sidhe, Ferret, Reptalon, and Squirrel
Magic Reflection
Curse Weapon
Horrific Beast
Lich Form
Vampiric Embrace
Wraith Form
Consecrate Weapon
Divine Fury
Enemy of One
Reactive Armor
Arcane Empowerment
Attune Weapon
Gift of Life
Gift of Renewal
Immolating Weapon
Reaper Form
Stone Form
Wards bestowed by items when worn are not affected by this spell.
Can be completely resisted by a successful resist check.
Q: Can Purge Magic remove Evasion and Confidence?
A: No on Evasion. Yes on Confidence.
Q: If you use Purge Magic to dispel Evasion, Confidence, Gift of Renewal, Attune Weapon or Ethereal Voyage is the target's cooldown timer reset?
A: No. Cooldown should still be in effect.
Q: Is mage polymorph effected by Purge Magic?
A: No.
Description: Temporarily imbues one weapon with a hit spell effect.
Skills Used: Mysticism / Imbuing
Q: Can you enchant weapons being held by other players or creatures?
A: No.
Q: Can a Mystic choose what hit spell to Enchant onto a weapon?
A: Yes
Q: Does a hit spell effect added by enchant stack with other hit spells on the weapon?
A: No. And that include the ninja focus attack ability as well.
*** Rank 3 ***
Description: Puts one creature into a temporary sleep state. In this state, the creature will be unable to attack or cast spells, and will move at a much slower speed. It will awaken if harmed or after a little bit of time passes.
Skills Used: Mysticism / Evaluate Intelligence
Target is forced to move at walk speed
Target Can not cast spells or attack (but can still use items)
Target's DCI is reduced by 45
Sleep is removed when a target is hit (just like paralyze)
The Sleep duration is scaled based on the (Evaluating Intelligence + Mysticism) / 20 of the caster. 12 seconds @ 120 Evaluating Intelligence + 120 Mysticism.
The Duration is scaled down based on the target's Resist spells skill
Resisting Spells shortens the duration of this spell effect, identical to paralyze. 0 seconds @ 120 Resisting Spells, if Evaluating Intelligence and Mysticism of the Mystic are also 120.
In other words, If you have 120 Resist Spells, you are immune to the sleep effect.
The sleep spell is considered an attack (like paralyze)
Key Notes about Sleep:
NPC spellcasters such as Satyrs and Dryads cannot calm a player, player's pet, etc. if he is currently under this Sleep spell.
Peacemaking will not work on any creature, player, etc. if the calmed target is currently under this Sleep spell.
The following conditions make the target immune to the sleep spell:
Target is currently immune to paralyze due to recent paralyzing special moves.
Target is already paralyzed, stunned, calmed via Peacemaking, or already asleep.
Target is immune to bard abilities.
Target is a shopkeeper.
Taming is not penalized with the Sleep spell, even though Paralyze does penalize Taming. In other words, you can sleep/tame a creature assuming the creature isn't immune to sleep.
Honor checks to see if the target is under the sleep effect.
Q: Do pop boxes remove the sleep effect?
A: Yes. Taking damage will break the sleep effect.
Eagle Strike
Description: Conjures a magical eagle-like creature as a projectile that assaults the target with its talons.
Skills Used: Mysticism / Evaluate Intelligence
Damage Type: Energy
*** Rank 4 ***
Animated Weapon
Description: Conjures and animates a weapon to attack nearby foes.
Skills Used: Mysticism / Imbuing
Control Slots: 4
Stone Form
Description: Infuses the caster with the essence of solid stone, making him slow to move and fight and cast spells, but gives him resistances to damage and a slight bonus to physical damage attacks.
Skills Used: Mysticism / Imbuing
This form also renders the stone formed character immune to poison, strangle, bleeding, sleep, paralysis, str/dex/int reduction magics, and removes all of these afflictions.
Note: Peerless attacks such as Gaze of Despair that reduces str/dex/int by 20 will still work on Mystic.
The form’s resistances and bonus to physical attacks are scaled based on the Mysticism and Imbuing skill levels of the caster.
Movement slowed. (Forced to walk)
-10% Swing Speed Increase
-2 Faster Casting
Bonus to Resists = ((mysticismSkill + imbuingSkill) / 24) (+10% to all resists @ 120 Mysticism and 120 Imbuing)
Bonus to Resist Cap ((mysticismSkill + imbuingSkill) / 48) (+5% to all resists @ 120 Mysticism and 120 Imbuing)
Melee Damage Increase = ((mysticismSkill + imbuingSkill)/ 12) (+20% melee damage increase @ 120 Mysticism and 120 Imbuing)
Characters cannot be mounted while in Stone Form; gargoyles will be forced to walk as well.
Keep in mind that any talismans that remove wards or the purge magic spell can remove stone form.
Leurocian is currently requestion player feedback on the design for Stone Form at this thread.
*** Rank 5 ***
Spell Trigger
Description: Allows a Mystic to store a Rank 6 or lower Mysticism spell on a spell stone to be invoked later.
Skills Used: Mysticism/Imbuing
Details: Leurocian has stated that at 120/120 Mysticism/Imbuing you would be able to store up to a Rank 6 Mysticism spell.
I interpreted this to mean that the system is using this equation to determine what rank of spell you can trigger.
(Mysticism + Imbuing)/40
Total Mysticism and Imbuing Skill Points Requirements
Rank 1: 40
Rank 2: 80
Rank 3: 120
Rank 4: 160
Rank 5: 200
Rank 6: 240
Q: How does spell Trigger work?
A:Once triggered, the spell will take immediate effect, provided that all the normal validations pass such as enough mana, available control slots, reagents, appropriate skill level, valid targets/locations, etc. If any of these validations fail, the Spell Trigger cannot be activated.
Note: Spell Triggers can trigger stored spells even if the Mystic is frozen, stunned, calmed, slept, etc. However, Spell Triggers can not be triggered if the player is in no play mode (like character transfers)
The Spell Trigger remains in tact until triggered or until the magic is cancelled (i.e., logging into the game cancels buffs and debuffs).
Spell Triggers cannot be purged (Mysticism: Purge Magic).
Spell Triggers brought within an area of no-magic are suppressed and cannot be activated.
Only one Spell Trigger can be on a Mystic at a time. Recasting a Spell Trigger replaces any existing Spell Triggers on the Mystic.
The Spell Trigger spell can never be selected as a spell to trigger. All other Mysticism spells are valid provided that the Mystic has sufficient skill levels in Mysticism and Imbuing.
There is a 5 minute cooldown after a Spell Trigger is triggered before a Spell Trigger can be invoked again.
The Spell Stone is deleted upon the player logging into the game.
Q: When casting a spell from a spell trigger, does it do a reagent check when the trigger is invoked? Specifically, does triggering a spell that uses garlic while in vampire form damage the caster.
A: I believe it should. I'll verify that and confirm.
Mass Sleep
Description: Does the same thing as Sleep, but area effect around the targeted creature.
Skills Used: Mysticism / Evaluate Intelligence
Targeting: AoE(2x2) Around Target
Q: Does mass sleep hit friends and foes alike?
A: No. Just Foes.
*** Rank 6 ***
Cleansing Winds
Description: Soothing winds cure poison, lift curses, and heal all characters in a party within a small area of effect.
Skills Used: Mysticism / Evaluate Intelligence
Targeting: AoE(2x2) Around Target
Q: Does cleansing winds also heal pets? It would be really cool if it AoE healed party members and pets of party members (pack tamers would LOVE this).
A: The current design is no. Cleansing Winds functions similarly to the magery Arch-Protection spells. It heals all characters in a party.
Q: Does cleansing winds cast about as fast as Energy Bolt?
A: Yes.
Q: How does the remove curse and cure poison and healing aspects of Cleansing Winds work? For Instance, does it cure poison like arch cure?
A: Cures poison like arch cure. 85% chance at 120 mysticism and 120 eval
Q: Does it remove multiple curses?
A: Yes. 85% at 120 mysticism and 120 eval
Q: Does it heal like Greater Heal?
A: The Healing effect is between a Heal and Greater Heal in power
Description: Conjures a magical boulder projectile that is hurled at your target. This spell also has a chance to knockback and stun a player victim for 2 seconds.
Skills Used: Mysticism / Evaluate Intelligence
Damage Type: Physical
Q: How does Bombard Determine its chance to knockback/stun?
A: The % chance to knockback and stun the victim is (Mysticism + Imbuing / 20)
120 + 120 / 20 = 12 (12%)
Resisting Spells reduces this percent chance (120 / 10) (i.e., 120 Resisting Spells completely neutralizes the knockback and stun effect)
*** Rank 7 ***
Spell Plague
Description: Inflicts one or more victims in its area of effect with a terrible curse. Each time the victim hits with a harmful attack (spell, melee, ranged, etc.), there is a chance that the victim will take an explosion backlash of fire damage.
Skills Used: Mysticism / Evaluate Intelligence
Damage Type: Fire
Targeting: AoE(4x4) Around Target
The Spell Plague chance is determined based on the Evaluating Intelligence and Mysticism of the Mystic and the Resisting Spells of the victim.
If (Eval + Mysticism)/2 of Caster = Resist Spells of target, there's a 50% chance for the curse to harm them.
Damage is equivalent to a 7th circle Mysticism/Magery spell.
Damage can be enhanced by the following (same as Magery):
Inscription Bonus
Intelligence Bonus
Spell Damage Increase (capped at 15% for PvP)
Slayer Spellbook
Evaluating Intelligence Bonus
If Every time Spell Plague harms someone, there's a 50% chance the plague will expire.
Spell Plague expires after 15 seconds assuming it wasn't removed.
There is a 30 second cooldown, meaning the Mystic can only cast a spell plague once every 30 seconds.
Note: victim will not take damage from the spell plague if the Mystic is on a different facet or the like.
Hail Storm
Description: A torrent of rain brings down a storm of hailstones upon the caster's enemies in the surrounding area.
Skills Used: Mysticism / Evaluate Intelligence
Damage Type: Cold
Targeting: AoE (2x2) around target Damage all done at once.
Q: Is Hail storm damage split the same way as meteor shower and chain lightning? (full dmg on first 2 targets, but reduced dmg if more than 2 targets are hit)
A: No. Not currently. But that is something we can scrutinize and adjust if need.
*** Rank 8 ***
Nether Cyclone
Description: Sends a gale of lethal wind in the direction of foes.
Skills Used: Mysticism / Evaluate Intelligence
Damage Type: Chaos
Targeting: AoE(2x2) Around Target
Q: How does Nether Cyclone damage work? I'm assuming the spell is Energy, because it was an energy spell in past ultima game. If so, how does the spell differ from the mage spell Chain Lightning?
A: The damage inflicted is 100% Chaos.
In addition to doing damage, mana and stamina of the victims can be reduced by up to 20% of their max values.
Resisting Spells of the victim can reduce this % reduction.
The mana and stamina depletion are scaled based on the Mysticism and Evaluating Intelligence skill levels of the caster.
Mana & Stamina reduction calculation:
% reduction = ((Mysticism + Evaluating Intelligence) / 120))
Then, take Resisting Spells into account:
% reduction = % reduction – (Resisting Spells / 80)
Example: 120 Mysticism and 120 Evaluating Intelligence has a base 20% Mana and Stamina reduction to victims.
If a victim has 120 Resisting Spells, then the percent becomes 5% (i.e., 120 / 8 = reduced by 15%).
Rising Colossus
Description: Summons a colossal stone titan that will attack nearby foes.
Skills Used: Mysticism/Imbuing/Evaluate Intelligence
Control Slots: 5
Mysticism, Imbuing, and Eval Int determine the stats, skills, and abilities of the Rising Colossus.