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[Treasure Hunting] Mystic thrower to Treasure Hunting


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
I'm going to train a treasure hunter for solo hunting. Since I haven't free slots I need to retrain on of my existing chars. I think my mystic thrower is the best candidate. It has throwing, tactics, chivalry, resisting spells, mysticism, focus.

Is it a good idea?

What skills should i remove (to soulstone fragments)?
From one side I don't like playing by casters and believe that throwing/tactics/chivalry is enough to kill any creature 1to1. From the other side a RC could help a lot (especially when crowded) as well as magery (to mark runes in addition to other spells like invis, tele, etc).

How long does it take to train lockpicking/cartography?

Any advices?

Barry Gibb

Of Saintly Patience
Stratics Veteran
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I'm going to train a treasure hunter for solo hunting. Since I haven't free slots I need to retrain on of my existing chars. I think my mystic thrower is the best candidate. It has throwing, tactics, chivalry, resisting spells, mysticism, focus.

Is it a good idea?

What skills should i remove (to soulstone fragments)?
From one side I don't like playing by casters and believe that throwing/tactics/chivalry is enough to kill any creature 1to1. From the other side a RC could help a lot (especially when crowded) as well as magery (to mark runes in addition to other spells like invis, tele, etc).

How long does it take to train lockpicking/cartography?

Any advices?
Technically, you will only need to remove 100 skill points from the template when you want to go dig up the chest. You can decode the map, then swap out Cartography for Lockpicking to dig it up and unlock it. You can use Telekenisis scrolls (bought cheap at any NPC mage) to open the chest and disarm the trap (stand a few tiles away). As for the skills you list, I would suggest Resisting Spells is the least useful for combat power and/or utility against the chest spawn. That way you will have both Fighting and Casting options at your disposal. You can change them out later if you find any of the skills being unused. You may find that the casting route is better suited for managing/eliminating the spawn from the higher level chests (5+).

Regarding skill training, they can be raised to 100.0 in a reasonable amount of time (week or two) if you train off and on. If you really want to power through them, probably 3-4 days each, given you have the materials and lock boxes on hand (alacrities wouldn't hurt either). The Satyr Trick works well with both of these stills, without it you will have to gain the last 0.5 Cartography decoding treasure maps (lvl 3s & 4s) and the gain the last 5.0 Lockpicking from dungeon spwaned chests (lvl 3s & 4s).

Stayin Alive,



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
I have no soulstones... fragments only... so I can't switch skills every day. I want to get 100 cart/lock and some mining for the res points

Barry Gibb

Of Saintly Patience
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm going to train a treasure hunter for solo hunting. Since I haven't free slots I need to retrain on of my existing chars. I think my mystic thrower is the best candidate.
Do you have any other character who can defeat monsters? Other popular T-Hunter templates include Mage/Taming, Mage/Bard, or Mage/Mystic.

Is your Mystic Thrower 6 x 120? Knowing this may help us squeeze the 200 skill points for lockpicking and cartography on.

How much Mining were you looking to have? The Mining Skill benefits are:
<51.1 = must dig in exact spot of chest (edit: No Bonus)
>51.0 = +1 tile radius
>81.0 = +2 tile radius
>100.0 = +3 tile radius
Item bonuses (mining gloves and Jacob's Pickaxe) count towards this. I could not find any graphics.

Stayin Alive,

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Barry Gibb

Of Saintly Patience
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes, he is 6 x 120. But not skills are on 120 and the cap is 710.
Well, to fit both Cartography and Lockpicking, you will effectively have to loose two of the listed skills (in your OP).

Since you stated you don't like playing casters, try going without Mysticism and Focus. One easy way to try it out, before the need to soulstone any skills, is to find a T-Hunter on your shard. Have him dig up the chest and you fight the spawn without casting any Mysticism spells (especially for healing). Basically the T-Hunter is there only to dig and unlock the chest (filling in for your future cartography and lockpicking skills). Try a couple on each facet. If you are comfortable with how you faired aginst the spawn, then stick with the Throwing route, and pursue your own T-Hunting skills. Another option is to use the Character Copy feature to Test Center and try the maps on your own (you are given several maps in your bank box on TC).

I have seen Archer Treasure Hunters be successful, so I have no reason to doubt a Thrower will not be.

Stayin Alive,



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Does Jacob's Pickaxe must be equipped to get the bonus? I'm afraid due to lag (caused by guardians appearance) I will not be able to switch weapon fast enough.

Barry Gibb

Of Saintly Patience
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Does Jacob's Pickaxe must be equipped to get the bonus? I'm afraid due to lag (caused by guardians appearance) I will not be able to switch weapon fast enough.
It need's to be equipped to apply the +10 Mining Bonus. You only need to have it equipped when looking for the exact chest spot. Once you find it (hear the digging noises), the ground will be disturbed looking. You can then break the digging attempt by moving. Now you know where the chest is and no longer need the pickaxe equipped. Rearm your primary weapon and resume digging on the known chest spot.

On a side note, unlike the Mining Gloves, Jacob's Pickaxe will not take your skill above the GM cap.

Stayin Alive,



UO Forum Moderator
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It need's to be equipped to apply the +10 Mining Bonus. You only need to have it equipped when looking for the exact chest spot. Once you find it (hear the digging noises), the ground will be disturbed looking. You can then break the digging attempt by moving. Now you know where the chest is and no longer need the pickaxe equipped. Rearm your primary weapon and resume digging on the known chest spot.

On a side note, unlike the Mining Gloves, Jacob's Pickaxe will not take your skill above the GM cap.

Stayin Alive,

Actually, to go over 100 with the gloves and pickaxe, you equip the pickaxe to get to 100, THEN equip the gloves. But, being 105 doesn't really help you unless you're a miner smelting ore or a Blacksmith recycling items that took a multiple of 3 ingots to make.

DreadLord Lestat

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If you are using the Enhanced Client with Pinco's UI and Cartographer, you really don't need mining. My treasure hunter is a tamer and it is a tight template so I chose to go without mining.

First I enlarge the treasure map using Pinco's and then I zoom in on cartographer till they are about the same viewpoint. I carefully find the center of the X on the treasure map and look for landmarks near it and then I compare on Cartogtrapher. On Cartographer, I mark the spot where I think it is and then travel there. Once there, I use my macro for digging it up and dig in circles around the spot going farther and farther till I find it. I usually have most spots found within 30-60 seconds. It is rare for it to be longer then 90 seconds to find it.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
I use Pinco's UI. What is it "Cartographer"?

I did several maps. I just look at a treasure map and try to find this place.

DreadLord Lestat

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It is a mapping client that works with the Enhanced Client.

You can get UO Cartographer HERE.

If you have problems getting it setup, let me know. :)
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Mr. Smither1

Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I use a Mystic thrower T-Hunter and run the following:
120 throw
120 mystic
100 tactic
100 cart
100 lockpicking
100 mining while holding the +10 pick
100 chiv
80 focus
My jewels have 90 skill points and a bit of hci.
Suit is just all 70s, 100 lrc, 40lmc, +16mr
I precast an RC then use mass sleep just as the chest comes up. I use a dragon slayer glaive and enemy of one for the Greaters and AWs. I run 100 chiv so I can rez when I am using the char at spawns. To open the chest I just double click it, long as your suit is 70 fire it can't kill you.

Barry Gibb

Of Saintly Patience
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
To open the chest I just double click it, long as your suit is 70 fire it can't kill you.
Buy telekenesis scrolls from an NPC Mage and cast from them. You can avoid taking the damage. On the higher level chests you may want all the hit points you can get.

Magery scrolls cast as 2 Circles lower than the normal spell. Telekensis scrolls will cast as a 1st Circle Spell. At 0.0 Magery you will have a 45.0% chance to cast it. The scroll is only used up when successfully cast.

Stayin Alive,



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
I have now:
120 Throw
120 Tactics
119 Chivalry
115 Resists
100 Cartography
100 Lock picking
46 Focus


UO Forum Moderator
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To open the chest I just double click it, long as your suit is 70 fire it can't kill you.
True, for the most part - but there is a long-standing (at least 10 years running) bug with level 2 chests (only) where you can take obscene amounts of damage. I was once killed by 160 points damage opening a level 2 chest, with 70 fire resist. While I can survive opening level 1, and level 3-6 chests, that way, you're playing Russian Roulette with level 2s, hoping you don't have one of the bugged ones (and I've had it happen with paragon chests too - but can't remember if it was the ones with level 2 maps in them, or the ones off creatures that drop level 2 maps that have level 3 maps in them).

Buy telekenesis scrolls from an NPC Mage and cast from them. You can avoid taking the damage. On the higher level chests you may want all the hit points you can get.

Magery scrolls cast as 2 Circles lower than the normal spell. Telekensis scrolls will cast as a 1st Circle Spell. At 0.0 Magery you will have a 45.0% chance to cast it. The scroll is only used up when successfully cast.

Stayin Alive,

Note that telekinesis doesn't work on Siege Perilous and Mugen, if you decide to try out T-hunting there, with the housing changes.

A human has an even greater chance of casting the scroll, if you've got someone handy to cast it for you. As a garg, with no strong back and the inability to ride a blue beetle during the spawn fight to keep it alive, it doesn't hurt to have a buddy or a second account around on a human for the higher chests, to haul stuff back (especially if you or the buddy unravel stuff for imbuing training on a different character), as around level 5 maps the chests start hitting amounts you can't easily haul off even if you send the gold to the bank with a bag of sending. I'll occasionally go out on my T-hunter to do multiple maps, and have my (also human) Tailor on my second account tag along on my second computer, far enough away to stay alive. That way, even if I only keep gold and the rares, I can stay out for about 6 level 5s or 5 level 6s, loading the gold into the beetle (for the first 240k - the remaining 60k split between the two), and have the marties, ingredients and rares split between the two character's packs so that I don't have to worry about weight issues on the T-hunter in combat.

Of course, I'm still a big advocate of group T-hunting, simply because you get big maps done quicker, but solo is worth the challenge.

Marquis de Sade 209

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I use Davie's Locker and it gives the coords of the chest, so even with classic client I don't need mining. It takes a minute or two to find exact spot but worth it to not have to recall out and soul stone skills back and forth.