I spent a bit of time reading about throwing in the forum. I was attracted to this template because of only needing 2 skills to be a powerful mystic, all throwing weapons are one handed and the glaive has one of the highest DPS weapons out there.
I think I understand some of throwings limitations. I also thought that perhaps Dev's will still review some of the short falls with throwing and perhaps adjust that skill a bit.
So, I have almost got him trained up and I thought I would seek some opinions on changes you might consider for skills and suit. I figured I would craft / imbue weapons as I figure things out a bit more, so suggestions you would have along those lines would be appreciated too.
The main theory is to fight behind a RC and throw as he works. I should also add that this isn't supposed to be a Boss solo killer. Just something that could go out and support a group and go PvM some of the higher end mobs solo.
I should also mention that I generally play spell casters. I have dexxers but none that are spell casters.
- Skills
Anatomy 100
Bushido 75
Chivalry 65
Focus 120
Mystic 120
Tactics 120
Throwing 120
- Stats
Str 100 / 110 Hps
Dex 112 / Stam 142
Int 67 / Mana 67
- Suit
68 / 66 / 64 / 71 / 85
- Goodies
FC / FCR - 2/3
LRC - 100
LMC - 32
Mana Regen - 4
Hit Point Regen - 6
Hit Chance Increase - 25
Defense Chance Increase - 5
Damage Increase - 20
Kinetic Eater - 5
This is without weapons of course. I also know that DCI is really low, but given limitations I almost always choose HCI over DCI if I have Bushido.
I think I understand some of throwings limitations. I also thought that perhaps Dev's will still review some of the short falls with throwing and perhaps adjust that skill a bit.
So, I have almost got him trained up and I thought I would seek some opinions on changes you might consider for skills and suit. I figured I would craft / imbue weapons as I figure things out a bit more, so suggestions you would have along those lines would be appreciated too.
The main theory is to fight behind a RC and throw as he works. I should also add that this isn't supposed to be a Boss solo killer. Just something that could go out and support a group and go PvM some of the higher end mobs solo.
I should also mention that I generally play spell casters. I have dexxers but none that are spell casters.
- Skills
Anatomy 100
Bushido 75
Chivalry 65
Focus 120
Mystic 120
Tactics 120
Throwing 120
- Stats
Str 100 / 110 Hps
Dex 112 / Stam 142
Int 67 / Mana 67
- Suit
68 / 66 / 64 / 71 / 85
- Goodies
FC / FCR - 2/3
LRC - 100
LMC - 32
Mana Regen - 4
Hit Point Regen - 6
Hit Chance Increase - 25
Defense Chance Increase - 5
Damage Increase - 20
Kinetic Eater - 5
This is without weapons of course. I also know that DCI is really low, but given limitations I almost always choose HCI over DCI if I have Bushido.