Well the old tale of woe has claimed another victim namely me. I had a character for transfer at Catskills and got a horse packie to load some extra baggage for the trip.
I decided to park the packie with the character to a relatively safe area at Haven. I logged out and came back in a few minutes .. but the bloody nag was GONE!? Along of course with some choice items.
I logged out came back nope it was gone. I searched the entire perimeter of haven and chanced upon a packie killing momgbats thought it was her but it wasn't mine and carried no items (prolly looted eh) and then retamed I dunno.
Paged a GM no show as usual. Placed a bug report no reply what so ever. Maybe there are answers here. Believe me I will never use a packie again in this game.
I decided to park the packie with the character to a relatively safe area at Haven. I logged out and came back in a few minutes .. but the bloody nag was GONE!? Along of course with some choice items.
I logged out came back nope it was gone. I searched the entire perimeter of haven and chanced upon a packie killing momgbats thought it was her but it wasn't mine and carried no items (prolly looted eh) and then retamed I dunno.
Paged a GM no show as usual. Placed a bug report no reply what so ever. Maybe there are answers here. Believe me I will never use a packie again in this game.