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Mysterious fragments and the tabard


Hi, I play a gargoyle and recently got Hawkwind's Robe. From googling I discovered the only way for a gargoyle to wear it is by also getting a tabard. So I've been trying to research how to get a tabard and it's been a lot of googling. I was wondering if someone could check my understanding and tell me what I have incorrect and correct? As well as answer some questions.

Looking at websites,
  1. First I need to get 8 mysterious fragments of the same color (and there are 8 colors total) and place all 8 at that shrine's color. This starts a "shrine battle." These fragments can come from any treasure chest of any level in any facet. Do I have that right? What are the odds of getting one of these mysterious fragments? 10% chance a chest will have one random mysterious fragment?

  2. I need to do 8 shrine battles successfully to get the tabard. And all 8 battles have to be done at the same shrine? If so, that means I need a total of 64 mysterious fragments all of the same color. Is that right?
Thank you for any and all answers!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Glorious Lord
You need to kill 8 shrine bosses, you get 3 after dropping 8 fragment so you will need 24 fragments of same colour to be able to get a tabard

Fragments get more common at higher lvl of map you are doing, from maybe 10% to 80% and the chests have 8 fragments in them


You need to kill 8 shrine bosses, you get 3 after dropping 8 fragment so you will need 24 fragments of same colour to be able to get a tabard

Fragments get more common at higher lvl of map you are doing, from maybe 10% to 80% and the chests have 8 fragments in them
Thank you! The chests have 8 fragments in them when they drop? Is that new? Was there a specific publish where they increased it from 1 fragment to 8 fragments per chest?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Glorious Lord
When the shrines got live and we got a use for the fragments we started to get 8 instead.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
Yeah, if you're not doing shrine battles, the fragments are a pain. After dry-looting a chest, I recall home and have a macro to dump them all straight into recycle.