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Myrmidex thing and the Moonstone Crystal...


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Ok, so I know you gotta do that zealot quest to get the moonstone crystal, but before its available. One has to do the myrmidex thing w "pushing them back".

This is going to sound dumb as hell and I dont blame you for ragging on me if you choose to. But can someone explain this to me ?

Is it normally done in a group or can be solo, I feel like I've been doing this for hrs now when really it's like 1 hr, and the banner / gaining ground. Seems to have moved one time.

I feel like I'm not doing this right and I'm sure I'm not in some respects. But I'm just trying to get the crystal to avoid paying 50m for one and then later having to try and get mine and selling it to get the gold back vs just buying it and consider the good a wash as one might say.


I'm on GL if it really matters.

Kylie Kinslayer

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The way I run it solo (yes, it can be, but can be a long battle) is I keep running back to the area I am aligned with.. hit an area effect spell. All of them will target me.. so I drag them to the front lines where the fighting is, invis... they start to battle the opposing side, making it a much easier and quick battle.


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The way I run it solo (yes, it can be, but can be a long battle) is I keep running back to the area I am aligned with.. hit an area effect spell. All of them will target me.. so I drag them to the front lines where the fighting is, invis... they start to battle the opposing side, making it a much easier and quick battle.
Kind of what I've been doing but not with area-of-effect. But at this point I'm about ready to just call it, watch a movie and worry about it later LOL

But as weird as this might sound, I bought time of Legends explicitly just to get the damn Crystal, even though yes I know there's so much more I can do later.

Or in hindsight, I might just afk (bank sit kind of thing) watch a movie and then go back to it.

Kylie Kinslayer

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Do you have the Myrmidex slayer book? I forgot about those.. they make downing them easier


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I don't know if you've noticed but the only Myrmidex that count are ones that you, yourself, have done damage to..........hence, the usefulness of area effects. I use my Mystic/Mage Gargoyle and fly into the middle of the Myrmidex hit Earthquake and fly like the wind back to the front line to draw them into my guys.


Stratics Veteran
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I don't know if you've noticed but the only Myrmidex that count are ones that you, yourself, have done damage to..........hence, the usefulness of area effects. I use my Mystic/Mage Gargoyle and fly into the middle of the Myrmidex hit Earthquake and fly like the wind back to the front line to draw them into my guys.
I'm 13 away and using chain lightning


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Just wasted hrs for nothing. Can't even see or accept the quest after all that crap.

I give up... this some bs and ppl wana sell the things for 50m

Kylie Kinslayer

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It is Anon's Spellbook. Get it from the Roof. Comes in Myrmidex, Eodon Tribe or Dinosaur. I have not seen those slayer types other than on Anon's book.


Stratics Veteran
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It is Anon's Spellbook. Get it from the Roof. Comes in Myrmidex, Eodon Tribe or Dinosaur. I have not seen those slayer types other than on Anon's book.
I'll check it out in the a.m. But aside from those wasted hours and some ******** going on with an idiot half brother. I need to watch a movie to unwind or I'm going to end up buying a pack of cigarettes I don't want to walk to the store for. I'm actually trying to quit, again. Made it a yr and a half first tine.

Kylie Kinslayer

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I'll check it out in the a.m. But aside from those wasted hours and some ******** going on with an idiot half brother. I need to watch a movie to unwind or I'm going to end up buying a pack of cigarettes I don't want to walk to the store for. I'm actually trying to quit, again. Made it a yr and a half first tine.
Grats on the quitting. Good luck with all of it.


I Hate Skilling
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Just wasted hrs for nothing. Can't even see or accept the quest after all that crap.

I give up... this some bs and ppl wana sell the things for 50m
LOL dont you see whay the want 50M for them?

Did you get the message that you won? You need that to advance.

Done this quest many times. Never had any issues. And you think you can do Zippy 1 time and get the reward you want? You'll be doing it a lot to get the moonstone. First you will get titles. :)

Also need to move to a busier server so others will help.

Kylie Kinslayer

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Done this quest many times. Never had any issues. And you think you can do Zippy 1 time and get the reward you want? You'll be doing it a lot to get the moonstone. First you will get titles. :)
A person can get VERY lucky and get the moonstone on their first run when the content first hit, granted it is rare. I did, then set it to public on my steps for the shard. My house has never had so much traffic as it did for those next few weeks.

At least Zippy is easier than the dang Queen. I hate that side of it.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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funny enough we did zippy a couple times this week.
guild mate needed a stone.

i have found over the many times that we have done the battle part of the quest chain that nothing does the battle faster or better than a pure bard.

i know, i know.
he's just saying that because he likes his bards.
but its true.
i can roll up to a flag in there and provo everything into dance partners, then disco one, let them kill off the diso'd one, provo new dance partner and rinse repeat until the bugs catch up and kill everyone off, then off to the next flag.

my guild mates wont even do the battle now unless i come along with my bard.
it is truly one of the places that a bard shines in this game.


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I solo the pit with my Provo Tamer. He works great down there. Lot of dancing mobs and my pet eats them while they're busy fighting each other. This was not set up to be a solo challenge but a group effort and my guild does it quite often. Once you win the battle then you have to get the quests to get the 4 items to turn in to fight Zippy.


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@TheMiner what shard are you on?
GL right now w just my Fisher, until I can save gp for 3 more transfer tokens.

I got one in my gl bank now, so I suppose if I could get that to Baja. I could bring my tamer over, was hoping to dbl dip xmas gifts between two shards. But also looks like we're not getting them this yr. So I suppose I could being whoever over, whenever.

But ya, GL w nothing but legendary Fisher.

Before I'm ragged on for that how I'll never get zippy done. I was just trying to get the myrmidex crap out of the way.

That I know can be solo'd, and did. But did wrong.

Kylie Kinslayer

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This thread made me remember I still had to kill the Queen on two chars. Decided to try and multi client it...

ummm.. nope :lol:

That b**** is worse than I remember


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
This is the unfortunate downside of Ultima.

They came out with Eodon which seems like has a bunch of mobs that are extremely hard to solo (we still can't imbue dino slayer etc); way more than any other place in UO. This wasn't a huge issue when it first opened up and everyone was flocking there to do quest arcs for rewards like Moonstones etc but now that a majority of people have them they simply do other do things (or strictly do Shadowguard); it's a P.I.T.A. to do any of those quests now. Not to go down the rabbit hole but this is the exact reason why that legacy shard doesn't seem like a good idea to me. There is already a bunch of stuff in UO that can be used or retooled without completely rethinking the wheel.

That said...if the moonstone is 50m I'd just buy it. You would be better suited doing something else (like shadowguard or doom) to get things to sell for the gold. People are still trying to complete their Krampus sets which means you could make a good amount there if you get things like the snowflakes or whip recipes; and since others are trying to do the same you can actually get help killing Krampus most of the time.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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GL right now w just my Fisher, until I can save gp for 3 more transfer tokens.

I got one in my gl bank now, so I suppose if I could get that to Baja. I could bring my tamer over, was hoping to dbl dip xmas gifts between two shards. But also looks like we're not getting them this yr. So I suppose I could being whoever over, whenever.

But ya, GL w nothing but legendary Fisher.

Before I'm ragged on for that how I'll never get zippy done. I was just trying to get the myrmidex crap out of the way.

That I know can be solo'd, and did. But did wrong.
your gonna need a pimped out warrior for Zippy.
samepire with 1 or 2 others to cross heal is what we run.
cant run a tamer or a mage with summons in there, insta death.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This is the unfortunate downside of Ultima.

They came out with Eodon which seems like has a bunch of mobs that are extremely hard to solo (we still can't imbue dino slayer etc); way more than any other place in UO. This wasn't a huge issue when it first opened up and everyone was flocking there to do quest arcs for rewards like Moonstones etc but now that a majority of people have them they simply do other do things (or strictly do Shadowguard); it's a P.I.T.A. to do any of those quests now. Not to go down the rabbit hole but this is the exact reason why that legacy shard doesn't seem like a good idea to me. There is already a bunch of stuff in UO that can be used or retooled without completely rethinking the wheel.

That said...if the moonstone is 50m I'd just buy it. You would be better suited doing something else (like shadowguard or doom) to get things to sell for the gold. People are still trying to complete their Krampus sets which means you could make a good amount there if you get things like the snowflakes or whip recipes; and since others are trying to do the same you can actually get help killing Krampus most of the time.
Oh I bought it maybe 10 minutes after I made my pancake post about completely fudging the myrnidex thing.

But it doesn't mean I don't want to get it done still...

Edit: Pancake is stratics word for (w)itch... I did not do that lol

But I've already made the g back. But it's still a loss depending on how you look at it.

Kylie Kinslayer

Stratics Legend
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cant run a tamer or a mage with summons in there, insta death.
That is the only thing I have ran in there (Mage/SW/Tamer). There are strategic things that can be done to avoid the insta death you are talking about.

Kylie Kinslayer

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Such as ?
Don't take pets with high mana.
Stay out of range of his mana burn that causes insta death (last time I battled him you knew it was coming due to sound/graphic)
When it's getting close to pet needing healed dump mana..
Run up, heal vet.. haul butt away...

stick and move is not just for the old school Pally...